my bologna has a first name


New Member
whilst dealing with my jennifer government nationstates issues i had to contemplate cannibalism a handful of times and everytime i ended up deciding that if it was consentual on all accounts, why not? meat is meat, right? maybe, maybe not....what do you think?

i found this article to be interesting.
Good lord! You don't flambee body parts and eat them unless you have no other options. That means nothing else to eat except dirt. :sick:

{edited to one-up Oz} :grinyes:

Male-chauvenist pig...already seasoned veteran. ;)
While being nutritious and [supposeldy] delicious, regular consumption of human flesh attacks the nervous system in a similar way to Parkinsons disease :eh:

Undoubtedly, cannabalism has/does take place, but those cultures only dine on dudes occasionally, usually as part of a ritual/religious ceremony.

Long Pig ..... with added seasoning :swing:
Any christian who partakes of communion participates in ritual symbolic cannabalism. It was a central fact of the famous science fiction novel "Stranger in a Strange Land" as well.
I read the thread topic, and yet still thought i could read it and eat my veggie dinner without gagging. WRONG! :sick: