My Double Chin


New Member
Oh, and my boyfriend. :D

:) You look good together. Is he chewing or did you just smack him in the jaw?
He's a cutie... totally my type actually (Don't worry I'm thousands of miles away and have my own boo to think about! :p ) He looks very tall, nice sensitive hands.

You're really pretty... I wish I was a brunette! And I wouldn't worry about the double chin... the angle you're at even Kate Moss would have a double chin too.

I have exactly the same problem I had a ritual burning of some pics taken in the office *CB shudders at the recollection*

Its a really nice picture.. have you thought about taking it to a development place and getting the background cropped out and the image enlarged and framed?
That's not bad. I've seen worse double chins than that. It's a cute pic though. He reminds me of a friend of mine in Ireland a little.
I've got more chins than a chinese phonebook :alienhuh:

Really, not a bad pic. He's too skinny for you. You need a man with some meat on him :brow:
I think he was biting his lip. he does that when he is bored and we were at a friend's parents hippie fest.

THanks fior the complements but I am still going to work my ass off to get rid of the double chin.

PS...I was SO hungover that day.