My first official day ...


Well-Known Member
here's my course schedule:

Histopry of Buddhust Philosophy
Bible as Literature
Philosophy of Religion
Religion in America

I think everyone oughta starts prayin' for me right quick ... :D
Our Father, which art in OTC,
Hallow'ed be thy head,
Thy headbang come,
Thy will rock on on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our dancing banana,
And give us our breastesses,
As we headbang with those who press against us,
And lead us not into spamnation,
But deliver us from sleep.
For thine is the website, and the power, and the headbangs,
Forever and ever,

- fury's prayer.

:headbang: for Scanty ...

Les - I've never carried less than 4 classes a semester ... I know, I know ... I think I'm nuts too .... :eek: