My friend Dave


Too cute for words
You know, I told my friend Dave about this forum. Hwants to know why we never talk about the war of Yankee aggression...
Sorry, sorry, there is no Dave, there's just me and I'm an idiot. You know, there are people on this forum who aren't from the US? Well, so did I but I seem to have forgotten it for a moment. The Wor of Yankee Aggression is what the people here in the south call the American Civil War (it doesn't seem to occur to them that they lost). I was trying to be facetious, since all we talk about recently in RW is history. Just a bit too obscure, huh? :blush:
Must live in a cave. How else could he have not heard of the Civil War?

....Wars never seemed very civil to me, maybe that
s what's got him confused :eh:
Well, this one's got me confused. Who won?

Americans fighting americans. That leaves me noone to rooot for.