My heritage is more important than yours


Southern Discomfort
That Flag Again


Residents in Missouri are aghast over the state’s plans to allow the Confederate flag to fly for one day over a Confederate Memorial State Historic Site in honor of Confederate Memorial Day, reports the Kansas City Star.

NAACP activists in the state call the flag a symbol of hatred and terror that has no place on public view in the state.

But the state rep who asked the governor to lift a two-year-old ban on the flying the flag said the request came from local residents near the site. “It’s not a racist thing,” he said. “Those soldiers died for that flag. They earned it, whether you agree with their cause or you don’t agree with their cause.”


I've said it before, and I'll say it until I die. If this flag offends you, you need a history lesson.

And thank you unnamed state rep. At least somebody gets it.
I am sure Gonz will disagree with me big time but isnt the flag part of America's heritage in general? As I have said yes racists use the flag but by itself it is not racist. People who arent racist use it as heritage
The winners write the history books and therefore dictate how everything is handled in the future. At least the dead were honored enough to be left in their graves. Had the war taken place in an earlier era, the graves would most likely have been dug up and all traces of their existence scattered to the winds.
unclehobart said:
The winners write the history books and therefore dictate how everything is handled in the future. At least the dead were honored enough to be left in their graves. Had the war taken place in an earlier era, the graves would most likely have been dug up and all traces of their existence scattered to the winds.

Very true. But we both know that there is a sizable contingent of people hellbent on desecrating, removing, and banishing any monuments to our Confederate dead. A visit to Stone Mountain should convince anyone. I hear they aren't even including the monument in some of the tours, and downplaying it in the rest. :disgust2: