My idea on gun control.


Why doesn't someone propose that we make all guns under 15" inches illegal for anyone but police in the United States?

The original law didn't take into account the types of small handguns most often associated with crimes. A rifle is what they basically reffered to.

There is no valid argument that would say a rifle isn't as good as a handgun for home fact it's better

I know hard line gun guys want any gun without resteriction, but I'd wager if we outlawed handguns crime would be decresed by a big percentage, but I also know it'd be damn hard to put into effect.

I myself am not sold on my own idea completly but it is something to think about.
Not altogether a bad idea, but I don't think it will work. SImply because there are far too many out there already now. Missouri just passed a concealed weapons law too, so I guess I'll be heading to the local pawn shop to see what I can find. If they're packing, I'm packing.

ok, j/k, but the bastards up in Jeff City did pass the law. :disgust2:
short, simple and to the point

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
I'm going by what the annoying comedian Chris Rock said. We don't need gun control. We need bullet control. If a bullet cost $5,000 each, there wouldn't be any deaths relating guns...
markjs said:
Why doesn't someone propose that we make all guns under 15" inches illegal for anyone but police in the United States?

The original law didn't take into account the types of small handguns most often associated with crimes. A rifle is what they basically reffered to.

There is no valid argument that would say a rifle isn't as good as a handgun for home fact it's better

I know hard line gun guys want any gun without resteriction, but I'd wager if we outlawed handguns crime would be decresed by a big percentage, but I also know it'd be damn hard to put into effect.

I myself am not sold on my own idea completly but it is something to think about.

But how does that help you when your sitting in your car with your wife and child and some punk comes up to your window with a knife or gun and sticks it in your face and says "get out Im taking your wife and kid and car".

You reach into the side pocket to grab your glock and ...."oh yea..they made them illegal so I turned mine in"

Game over, your wife and kid are dead and you feel wind up walking the streets begging for money after you get out of the psych hospital.

Or what if your in a shopping mall and some crack addict starts shooting people reach into your fanny pack and...oh yea...there illegal so I turned mine in. You sit and watch as babies, elderly people, and wives and husbands are shot in the back or in the head right in front of you.

I have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. I own a kel tec p32. a Glock 23 .40 cal, a .12 Gauge shot gun, and I plan on getting a Glock model 27 .40 subcompact.

I stay armed at any and all times barring work.

I even have an key pad operated electronic safe mounted to my bed that my kids cant open but I can get a gun out of in seconds (you cant fit a long gun in that).

And by the way...rifles are not good for home protection. In fact Rifles are the true problem....High capacity high powered assault rifles like bank robbers and spree killers, and gang bangers use, is what ought to be outlawed..not handguns. These are the truly dangerous weapons for the general public and law enforcement, and obviously not meant for "personal protection".

For home defense...nothing beats a .12 Gauge Pump Action shotgun (FYI).

By the way...make them illegal and the law abiding citizens will turn them in. The law breakers will keep theirs. The law breakers will know that no one will defend themselves if they decide to rape, rob, and murder.

It will be open season on innocent victims. Thousands (or more) will die.
I have several nasty words and phrases memorized and I won't hesitate to use them on any ruffian who causes me trouble... *handonhip