My LOTR figures arrived today...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... Kinder Egg Figurines: Limited Edition Collectors Sets 1 and 2 plus Light-up Saruman and Treebeard... 3 days from Germany... not bad. :)

Set 2 on the left and set 1 on the right.

Now I just need a display case.

Hopefully golum will be in the third set when it comes out. The second saruman's ball lights up. :lol:

This lot cost me £35... the price is rising all the time. They were only on sale over a period of 3 months inside a chocolate egg called Kinder Surprise in certain european countries. They are very sought after and there are loads for sale on (if you can read german), but they have never been sold here and I wouldn't have known about them if my brother hadn't told me. So the chances are there aren't many sets in the UK unless you have relatives living in Germany who are willing to purchase them on your behalf, as my brother did.

As with all collectors items they come complete with all the accompanying paperwork - in german of course. :)
woah, saruman's ball lights up, talk about being a wizard, huh? :D
Considering they are just plastic figures < 3cm high, the detail is surprisingly good.
