my new boyfriend! (pics)


New Member
i am posting about my new boyfriend because it seemed the thing to do, and to clear up any possible confusion in case i say "my boyfriend" or "john" so you don't go WTF WHERES JOSH like a lot of people have done.
(tho to answer that, me and josh ended it a couple weeks ago because of a stupid thing. he was displeased with me, but since then, i've realised that the displeasure was all mine).

so.... meet John. (and his fedora!)

john is awesome for many reasons including his devotion to me, his willingness to be there for me and show that he is actually interested in the relationship, and the fact that he is creative. the creativity aspect is definitely awesome. i mean, look at this, i had to shrink it a little tiny bit so some of the detail was lost, but he made it.

and here are some pictures of us:

(yes i know my forehead is purple)


so yeah, that's my bf john. just announcing that change and using it as an opportunity to be a showoff. :)
Got the whole shaved head/suspender thing going there, huh?

Hope he's a good guy for you ash.
ash r said:
because skinheads don't have to be racist. he can explain it better than i can, i'll ask him later.

Then why call themselves skinheads? Title too cool to ditch?
ash r said:
if that question made any sense, i might be able to try to answer it, lol.

Educate me

Isn't skinhead a term paplied to a neo-nazi? If yes and your bf isn't one then why still keep the title of a skinhead?

Or is the name skinhead a misunderstood and misused symbol like the adapted swastika?
generally they are although being bald I think is supposed to make one a skinhead to some level. BUt they are affiliated wiht Neo Nazis because of them shaving their heads and calling themselves skinheads
IDLEchild said:
Educate me

Isn't skinhead a term paplied to a neo-nazi? If yes and your bf isn't one then why still keep the title of a skinhead?

Or is the name skinhead a misunderstood and misused symbol like the adapted swastika?
I would tend to agree that it is misunderstood, many people nowadays shave themselves bald for many reasons.
Sorry, Ash. But in that first pic, he really looks like a dork. Do try and straighten him out before you take him out in public.
poolking said:
I would tend to agree that it is misunderstood, many people nowadays shave themselves bald for many reasons.
yeah, the bald head is one thing...the whole Stone Cold Steve Austin look, whatever, but when you get the whole suspenders thing in there it definitely goes off on a whole other tangent :eek6:
Professur said:
Sorry, Ash. But in that first pic, he really looks like a dork. Do try and straighten him out before you take him out in public.

no :p he does look like a dork sometimes but that's part of his awesomeness.
to a dork, which i definitely am, all other dorks are, if not totally awesome and admirable, a threat to one's own "superior" dorkiness.

(i have actually met people and felt inferior because i wasn't as dorky as them)