My presentation that almost wasn't


Staff member
So, a few weekends ago I made a powerpoint presentation at home and I used Vince's laptop...I made it on a Sat and was suppose to present on the Monday but went to Newfoundland since my grandpa, I now have to present this Wednesday. So, last night I go to open the presentation and add in the picture slides (since i had no internet at home when I did it I got the pics online when I got back here).'s not in my homework folder...then I remember Vince sent it to my from his laptop over MSN...that means it's in "My Received Files"...GREAT! I'll just go get it and move it where it should be...OH WAIT! My computer went bonkers friday night and shut itself off and somehow my MSN chat logs got corrupted and when I ran DSKCHK it deleted my ENTIRE My Documents folder. Thankfully nothing is normally saved in there except MSN logs and pictures people send me...except this time my presentation that took me like 4 hours to put together was in there and I have no backup and can't really remember exactly what was in there....FUCK. So, after I freak out for a bit I get a data recovery program (and it told me like 100 times not to install it or save anything to do with it on the drive where the lost data is...well, DUH! If I know enough to get a data recovery program I know enough not to do THAT!!!). Anyway...i run theprogram, it takes SO long...I get a list of the files and can't find it :(. Finally, i THINK I've found it...turns out to be a shortcut to it...that was in "My Recent Documents"...FUCK FUCK some more...figure out how to use the search function...EUREKA! There it is!!!

I am proud of myself for knowing what to do and being able to do it :D

Note: Since then I have saved it on my harddrive (where it is SUPPOSE to be saved (in my homework folder), on a floppy, and I have uploaded it to my personal webspace...:D)
No, I told him he could. I made sure I had a complete, non corrupted copy and then there was no reason for him to keep a copy anymore...