my real life karma


New Member
so i stopped at the drugstore this morning for some chocolate milk & donuts & paid the cashier with $20. she gave me back $25 in change.

so i did what all good little girls do and told her she gave me a $20 by accident, instead of a $10.

that should fill my good karma quota for the day :lloyd:
sad....take the money and run.

I would have ripped my shirt open as I feel to my knees and screamed in the parking lot

"I defied your law of correct change return......I refuse you and I refuse your omnipotence"

It would rained and thundered as I defied god because I got more than I should have.

but thats me.
Wise man once say better to have full belly and wallet than full belly and empty wallet.
A.B.Normal said:
Was it the Chocolate milk and Donut for breakfast or that she bought them at a Drugstore that confused you. :swing:
mostly the buying them at a drugstore bit :lloyd:
Good Karma to Ku'u! That was very nice of you. If you've ever had a job as a cashier, you know the horror it is when your drawer comes up short at the end of the day.