My road(marine) trip north to Fairbanks


Well-Known Member
This is the path i'll be taking north. About 700 miles of it by boat and the last few over open ocean. Then a couple of hundred more miles of driving to get to school. I leave in about forty five days.


usaak1.jpg, 102.55kb

Very cool!!! I'm a traveler at heart, and I've never been to Alaska or that region you're traveling. Have fun buddy! ;)
Striking out on Jan 1, eh? Sounds like its going to be cold and icy all the way. Perhaps you should be a commercial crabber and make a big kill over 90 days and then go home to a more lax job.
looks like a big trip, wouldn't it be faster if you go thru Canada?
Fuel costs would be staggering.. and half of the roads stay closed for the season in bad weather. He probably would find it hard to go more than 60km/hr, making it a two day run at a minimum. Besides, he and his sweetie may only have one car. She can still use it while he does a boat/train thing.
If Canada was kind like Mexico and accepted felons i'd probably do it.
I always wanted to get on a crabbing boat in the Bering sea but my timing was never right. I did commercial fish(seining trolling & longlining) for a few years all up and down southeast. I'm getting to old for that crap now+i don't like spending that kind of time away from my family. Leah actually got on a crabber up there for one season when she was 18 or so but the exxon valdez killed that idea so she ended up cleaning beaches instead. She didn't like it anyway. I love to picture this 5' tall 90lb thing chipping ice off the bow in 30ft seas.
*frown* Canada has something against felons? Does that mean you will never be able to enter Canuckistan again for the rest of your life? :(
Hopefully i can get this felony wiped from my record in the next couple of years. Only then will i be able to grace the Canucks with my presence.
Housing reserve Deposit $350.00
Jeep cherokee laredo $2,800.00
Ferry tickets $750.00
School is still two months off and it's costing me a buttload already
you leave in 45 days? I take it you don't need to be there until April? :D
37 days and counting. I'll just be glad to get away from these damn things.

They're so damn loud and they takoff all day long a hundred meters from my house. They don't look like much but they sound like freight trains when trying to get off the water.
HeXp£Øi± said:
37 days and counting. I'll just be glad to get away from these damn things.

They're so damn loud and they takoff all day long a hundred meters from my house. They don't look like much but they sound like freight trains when trying to get off the water.

Try living close to an Air Fore base...Those things are positively noiseless in comparison...
Actually i have. I lived at the beginning & end of a navy airstrip on whidbey island Washington. Lots of touch and goes right at my bedtime! Granted jets are louder, but these go all day every day year round(taxi of the Island) and there's something about the prop on these things, i'm not kidding when i say they're not to be underestemated. They are far louder than any prop plane their size. I think the prop is actually breaking the sound barrier or something when getting off the water but that's just a guess. It's abnormally loud and drowns out everything for some distance.
And now for the most dreadful of all things... i must put my computer in a box. I still have three days left but if i don't do it now i'm not going to get anything done!

The horror.......the horror.......