My school day sucked


New Member
This morning when the students were going out of the auditorium to go to ASR, there was this one girl that was pushing me, and i said "don't push me"....then a different girl pushed me then she's like "what will you do if i push you again huh? HUH? you better keep on walking" then i muttered something to myself and she goes up to my locker and says "so your saying stuff about me huh?" After saying that she went to valarie (my worst enemy who is jealous of me) and started talking smack about me. I thought it was over right then........i was wrong.
Everyone was in ASR and mr young left the room for a few mins. I was quietly reading my book. Valarie stands up and yells, "Hey everyone, let's all point and laugh at her" she convinced about 6 people to do the same. So I'm reading my book while 7 people are pointing and making fun of my clothes, my shoes, the list goes on. Yet I'm not saying a word, and mr young came back into the room. This continues on for the rest of the hour until the bell rang.
I told ph33rb0 about this during english, he said that i shouldn't worry about it, that she was jealous of me. I knew that he was right but I was still hurt about it. By the end of the day I was more focused on how sick I was rather than what happened this morning.

So thats my day, it totally sucked. :(
Sorry to hear you had to experience that, lacemyster. But I admire that you handled it as you did. School days can be cruel but you are obviously more mature than those who perpetrated those actions....You did the right thing. :wink2: Hope you feel better soon....
Kids are stupid. Sorry but for the most part that's the truth. If you are wise and mature you will recognize the ignorance of youth. Don't pay any attention to them. Pure stupidity and i promise within a few years this type of thing will be but a memory of the past. There is nothing wrong with you or the way you dress. Those students who engage in such activities however will have serious difficulties when faced with the real world and are out from under their parents wings. They are to be pitied. Thats a difficult thing to do. when a few kids stand up to make fun of you it can seem like the entire world is laughing at you but in reality they are a minority.I believe the screams for Barrabes were simply loudest and not the majority. That section of the population needs loudness to get their point across. Hang in there.

By this statement i do not mean that youth are unintelligent. I simply mean that they are for the most part unwise.
I understand what you mean by that Hex. It's sad because the future of america and the world are mostly going to be those same kids but getting in bigger trouble and ruining their lives.
Alot of people in my school are all about fighting and talking bad about others. Why? for a reputation that will be useless by college anyways, so why bother? Those kind of people cover about 95% of the student body. The other 5% are the kids who get bullied.
Kids have always been jerks, every generation. The kind of useless, meaningless crap you endured today fades with maturity, in most cases. In the cases where it doesn't, you gain the ability to be elsewhere.

Congrats on how you handled it, and things will improve.
There are only three ways to deal with people like that, Lacy.

1) Get a bigger group of people together and do the same thing to her.
2) Ignore it, and have to deal with it until she gets tired of it. Which could cause one of two things. She's too stupid to get tired of it, or she gets mad at being ignored and excalates.
3) You get ahead of the game, and when someone pushes you, you elbow them in the mouth. It might get you a detention, but you'r not gonna get pushed again.

Sadly, ignoring bullies doesn't make them go away. They have to be dealt with, one way or the other. Homelan might have been right in our generation, but today's kids don't learn. Not that I ever noticed our generation learning either. And bullies seldom mature. I've sure all us adults can spot adult bullies on a daily basis.

For the record, in highschool, a bully tried me out. He tripped me. When I went after his throat, he learned the error of his ways. Sure, I got flak for it, but I never had to defend myself again through 5 years. And the bully lost all credibility by needing help to save himself from the smallest guy in school.
lacemyster said:
Alot of people in my school are all about fighting and talking bad about others. Why? for a reputation that will be useless by college anyways, so why bother? Those kind of people cover about 95% of the student body. The other 5% are the kids who get bullied
actually it was my experience that its not even there in HS. my middle school was like that and my hs everyone changed. i was left alone for the most part.

prof is right about the three ways. though i never got in trouble for any of it. lets see i slammed an annoying kids head in a locker(after that people really left me alone i never figured out why since im small). also i choked people on the spot and if they said anything id squeeze more. recently i had a bunch of friends give me a hard time. i was getting annoyed and made a lunge at joes throat. he backed down like he didnt want to screw around. but generally i ignore it.
Why? for a reputation that will be useless by college anyways, so why bother?

You're absolutely right, Lacey. Just keep your head up, you'll be fine. Fighting back can work, but in todays middle schools, it's also a possibility that your ass will get capped the next day too, so be careful.
There are always going to be people who need to pick a fight for their own reasons. They make themselves feel better, somehow, by making other people feel small. That's their victory, and it should be pitied because it's really sad. These are the people who don't deserve the benefit of the doubt that they're sincere or pushed you accidentally because most everything they do has some hidden agenda.

That said, I know quite a few adults who are the same way. These things don't change in life, people just get better at hiding it.

Sounds to me like you did the right thing initially. If it continues, well, knowing myself I would probably react the same way Prof did. I did get a reputation myself for the same thing in Jr High and High school and after a while, there was only one guy who would say something to me. Sadly for him, he was still like that when I saw him in college years later. I told him, "You would think, in all these years, that you would grow up--just a little bit--but you're the same stupid prick that you were in high school." in front of his new college friends. He tried to think of a good comeback with that but the jig was up. He left me alone after that.

Good luck with it! :)
I was always able to take down bullies with brains. Make them look like morons. Then corver yourself by pointing out that they're so stupid, they'd have to resort to violence to retaliate. If they try to hit you at that point, they just prove to everyone that they're stupid. Only works with a good mixed crowd, tho.
....fighting back is worthwhile...but I kinda side with Professeur on this one. IF you can make that kid look like the moron she is, then you've just about sewed up the game..

...problem is....your target, and presumably anyone who would follow her, have a combined IQ of nearly anything witty you might say would fly over their heads...

..if they don't get it, it doesn't work...

...on the other hand...physical violence works well too....

....or threats of it. Back when I was in HS, there was always some dick who for whatever reason would make my life h ell for a few days. Probably because I've always been a wiseass...but whatever...

...a very effective method of putting an end to that was to go up to him when he was OUT of his group and just kinda casually whisper, " You know...I'm just waiting to find you in a place where there are no deans, cops, or anyone else who will fry my ass for what I'm going to do to you. "

...and that almost always worked...because even someone with the intellect of a worm understand that at that point, theres no one around to impress. You're not yelling it out of actually walked up to the guy without fear (or make it look that way anyhow) and told him that his days as cock of the walk are are DEAD SERIOUS.....

....dunno how that goes for the ladies, though...

....but there's nothing wrong with a catfight....

In the end, just be aware that the world metes out it's own justice...always. You will meet people like your tormentor all through life. Hey, there's a reason they put a little checkbox on a driver license application that asks " Are you mentally retarded?". Your current bully will be required to check doubt...

Grab her and give her a big lezzie kiss in the hall with witnesses. She won't be prepeared for it and will probably avoid you for the rest of your life.
Put the crack pipe down unc. Your plan will have the entire rest of the school calling Lacy a lez:eek6:
unclehobart said:
Grab her and give her a big lezzie kiss in the hall with witnesses. She won't be prepeared for it and will probably avoid you for the rest of your life.

That may be true Unc but here are 4 reason of why I wouldn't:
1. I'm taken
2. my b/f goes to my school
3. I'm not a lesbian
4. Thats just gross, I mean think about it!

Its sounds as if they are already doing much worse. At this point it is best to establish oneself as an object of fear and make them avoid her. It doesn't sound like shes high enough on the girly clique order to suffer social collapse via the gossip mill. She seems well adjusted enough to know that high school is just a childrens jail and that all concepts of popularity are fleeting lies that will go poof the instant she graduates.

1. Don't deny what's happening.
One of the bully's major tools is to get you to doubt your strength. Don't do it! This is no time to hide your head in the sand. The longer you try the "stiff upper lip" routine, the more difficult and intolerable your situation will become.

2. Be aware of how you present yourself.
Your body language, tone of voice and over all demeanor give clues to your vulnerability. Bullies can easily pick up social cues and zero in on them. A posture connoting insecurity or shyness, the avoidance of eye contact in conversation or sometimes speaking very softly can focus the bully's attention on you as their target.

3. Make physical changes to feel in charge of yourself.
Try different paces when walking and learn what feels more powerful to you. Practice by watching yourself in a mirror. Record the sound of your voice. Increase its depth or tone. Play these changes so you can hear how you sound. Aim for a stronger, firmer tone of voice. Look at your face in a mirror. Make eye contact with yourself and hold it.

4. Take excellent care of yourself.
While rest may be difficult, get as much as you can. Pay attention to proper nutrition and exercise. A bully's attacks are aimed at your most vulnerable points. Counter those assaults by reminding yourself that you are a worthwhile person. Strong body capable of action generates pride and astrong mind with which to fight.

5. Avoid being in isolated spaces.
Be aware in particular of places like elevators, parking lots, garages, lavatories or stairways. Staying out of the bully's physical range is smart thinking. It offers no further opportunity for additional face to face attacks.

6.Document witnesses and keep a written log of the assaults. Present it to school admin.

7. Watch what you say to others as bullies generally have a spy network and what you say about them may get back to them and cause you to be targetted.

8. Travel in a pack if you can. Numbers can gang up on a bully.
A variant on the theme is to get a sample of her handwriting and then generate phony love letters in her name professing lust for the scuzziest lad on campus. Make several copies and just drop them anywhere. Sit back and watch the fun.