My Sister's Inquest...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... begins in 3 hours and 45 minutes and I feel sick.

I'm really not looking forward to going, especially since most of the family is going to be there and I really don't want to get into a confrontation with my neice Kayleigh, which is quite possible since she's got some paranoid nonsense in her head about me and my mum and she's still at war with her sister Rachel whom I'm partly going to support. But I also have to go so that I can answer some unanswered questions that I have and then maybe I'll be able get on with the rest of my life in peace and quiet... some hope! :rolleyes:
It's hard, no doubt about it. Just take deep breaths and try not to let the rest of the family get to you. Easier said than done at times, I know, but you have to be strong for yourself.

Thank you all for your hugs and good wishes.

I just got back a little while ago. It was upsetting to hear the details, but as expected the verdict was of accidental death. And fortunately there were no problems with my neice... on her best behaviour because her brother was there, no doubt.

I feel a great sense of relief that now it's all over, so perhaps I can get on with my life and stop dwelling in the past.
I feel a great sense of relief that now it's all over, so perhaps I can get on with my life and stop dwelling in the past.

Good for you Aunty, you make me think of a Richie Havens song, "The Long Road."

"I can hear your voice in the wind.
Are you calling for me, down a long road?"
It makes me sad and I miss her, just as I miss my dad, but I can't stay in limbo forever... I need to move on, my anger went a long time ago, I just want to remember the good times we had.

I've seen what 12 years of living in the past have done to my mother and I don't want to be like that.
I'm glad everyone was on their best behavious. You'll get through it in your own time though. We all heal differently. My condolescence!
I remember going through the same hoops with my brother. It took well over a year to get past the inquest stage. I've no idea why such things take so long. It just prolongs the whole affair into one long sad string of events and never leaves one feeling good in the end... only empty.
