My Sister's Inquest

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I found out yesterday that it's going to be at least another 4 - 5 months before the Coroner holds the Inquest. :(
I thought she died of natural causes. Why do they need to have an inquest?
Not natural causes:

1. Pulmonary embolism
2. Deep vein thrombosis
3. Injury to knee caused by road traffic accident

So they have to hold an inquest because her death was as a direct result of the accident 6 weeks before she died. It's getting all the statements, etc that takes the time - there were 9 witnesses. If it proves that the motorcyclist was at fault he may face criminal charges in connection with her death because it occured less than a year and a day after the accident.

It was on her birthday, she was going out with a group of friends to celebrate, next thing I know I get a phone call telling me she's had an accident and is in hospital. They operated to repair the damage - three ripped tendons and a shattered kneecap. She was in a special plaster that allowed her to flex her knee and only went home 2 weeks before she died.
Holy cow! Any chance of suing the guys insurance company if they do find he is at fault?
absolutely! they're gonna need it by the sounds of things.

kinda sad that it's being all dragged out now though :S
it'll be a relief when all the court stuff is done
We've already approached a solicitor. I will have to instigate proceedings on behalf of my sister's estate and my youngest niece Sophie. As she was the only one dependent on my sister at the time of her death she is the only one who can claim for her loss - about £15,000 the solicitor thinks. Whatever she gets will be held in trust for her till she's 18.

A small amount can be claimed to be paid to her estate for my sisters pain and suffering, which will probably cover her funeral costs. Unfortunately the amount of compensation paid over here is nothing like the amount you can sue for in the states.

If there are criminal proceedings and the guy is convicted them there may also be a small payout from the criminal injuries board, but it won't be very big.
My brothers inquest couldn't even get started for the first year because it took them about 10 months to do the pathology investigations for a mere baseline. It would have taken a likely extra two years if my dad didn't break down and start calling in some powerful political favors.
tempororary malfunction due to the dog jumping on my lap. didn't finish the post..

Aunty Em said:
If it proves that the motorcyclist was at fault he may face criminal charges in connection with her death because it occured less than a year and a day after the accident.

the motorcyclist can be charged even though the cause of death is a known surgical complication?
The surgery wouldn't not have taken place without the first action causing the surgery to be a necessity. Its a chain of events thingy.
Yep, theres a St. Louis cop that died just a few days ago from a similar circumstance. He was involved in a high speed chase and got in an accident. Broke his ankle, and died a month later. They said if they ever catch the guy he was chasing, he will be charged with Murder.
Yep, that they are. :(

Even if the accident hadn't been listed as a cause of death there would still have been an inquest because it's also as a result of the surgery, but it probably wouldn't take so long.