My stuff...


Hehe... I download quite a bit. Anyways, it is all legal because under current law you are allowed to record shows on a VCR and move it to CD or any digital media, and I have a full subscription to DishNetworks. :)


stargate.jpg, 267.04kb

Half of the stuff is on CD (disk is not large enough). Anyways, so I'm running out of ideas to download... I was thinking of doing the entire Simpsons series and perhaps West Wing... Anyone have any suggestions?
Star Trek TNG I have on DVD, and I buy it as soon as it is released, so I deleted those I had. I'm not a big fan of DS9 though. I might try that later. And I've seen the original series... I might get that later too (on DVD).
I've heard there will be (or even it might be already released) DVDs containing most if not all Simpsons episodes to date, so it might not be worthwhile to transfer all of them. Maybe you could do Dark Angel, South Park or stuff like that...