Mystery of black holes solved...


Well-Known Member
...or so says Stephen Hawking

The author of "A Brief History of Time" now believes some "information" sucked into black holes escapes over time, contradicting some of his most famous work on the phenomenon.

Hawking will present his latest findings at a scientific conference in Ireland next week, New Scientist magazine said, after asking at the last minute to speak.

In the 1970s, Hawking said that once a black hole formed it lost mass by radiating energy, known as "Hawking radiation," but it contained no information about the inside matter and once the hole evaporated, all information was lost.

This however, created a paradox, since the laws of quantum physics assert such information can never be completely wiped out.

Hawking responded that the gravitational pull of black holes was so strong, it unravelled the laws of quantum physics. But that argument failed to convince sceptics in the scientific community.

He will now argue that the black holes never quite shut themselves off completely and, as they emit more heat, they eventually open up and release information.

The possible solution to the paradox has sent waves of excitement through the physics community.


The first thought that comes to mind is that for such an incredible claim the man must really deliver since the whole basis of this study is solely riding on his reputation right now. He has put himself out there and I doubt he will lose respect as a scientist if he fails but he is taking a big step.

Good luck because frankly the idea of such a mystery being solved is exciting.
Black holes have always been a interest of mine, and I've read just about everything I could ever get my hands on about them. I can mostly wrap my mind around Hawkings theories, with only a few bits still sticking out, but he's walking the razor's edge here. A lot of this work is based on wether GUTS happens in that gravity well or not, and what it's effects are. Very out there.