Nah! We don't need more border security. There's no terrorist threat.


Well-Known Member
The first real evidence that those who espouse the thread title are, and will continue to be, wrong.


Controversial Muslim cleric caught being smuggled into U.S. over Mexico border

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 1:04 PM on 28th January 2011

U.S. border guards got a surprise when they searched a Mexican BMW and found a hardline Muslim cleric - banned from France and Canada - curled up in the boot.

Said Jaziri, who called for the death of a Danish cartoonist that drew pictures of the prophet Mohammed, was being smuggled into California when he was arrested, along with his driver Kenneth Robert Lawler.

The 43-year-old was deported from Canada to his homeland Tunisia in 2007 after it emerged he had lied on his refugee application about having served jail time in France.

His fire and brimstone sermons and rabble-rousing antics catapulted him into the public eye during his short tenure as imam at a Montreal mosque.

He branded homosexuality a disease and led protests over cartoonist Kurt Westergaard's illustrations poked fun at Islam and were published in a Danish newspaper in 2006.

He also caused anger when he campaigned for a bigger mosque to accommodate Montreal's burgeoning Muslim population.

But after his deportation he complained that he had been physically and mentally tortured during the 13-hour flight repatriating him to Tunisia, a claim Canadian authorities deny.

He was being held as a material witness in the criminal case against Mr Lawler, who has been charged with immigrant smuggling.

Jaziri had allegedly paid a Tijuana-based smuggling cartel $5,000 to take him across the border near Tecate, saying he wanted to be taken to a 'safe place anywhere in the U.S.'

According to the court documents, a Mexican guide led Jaziri and a Mexican immigrant over the border fence near Tecate.

They then trekked across the rugged terrain under cover of darkness to a spot popular for drivers who pick up immigrants for smuggling runs into San Diego.

He allegedly told officials he had flown from Africa to Europe, then to Central America and Chetumal, Mexico, on the Mexico-Belize border, where he took a bus to Tijuana.

Lise Garon, a professor of communications at Laval University in Quebec City, told the Los Angeles Times: 'His nickname in Quebec was the controversial imam.

'I think he was deported because people hated his ideas.'

His case drew support from the Muslim community as well as Amnesty International after he claimed he would be tortured if sent back to Tunisia.
i wondered how long it would take you to post on this story. must feel good to finally be able to talk about a real threat in rationalizing your fears of brown people coming in the back door.
i wondered how long it would take you to post on this story. must feel good to finally be able to talk about a real threat in rationalizing your fears of brown people coming in the back door.

It is the nationality that is bothersome, not the color of their skin. Those so-called "brown people" are Caucasians. Of course, that means nothing to Liberals who always see the color of a person's skin as their primary characteristic.

I see a man. Liberals see a <insert color> man.
That's the thing, Jim, you kinda let the cat out of the bag. If you really think about it, if 9/11 really was done by "terrorists" then border security would have of immediately been dealt with.

But we cannot really close it up with the North American Union thing in the works.
That's the thing, Jim, you kinda let the cat out of the bag. If you really think about it, if 9/11 really was done by "terrorists" then border security would have of immediately been dealt with.

But we cannot really close it up with the North American Union thing in the works.

None of the 9/11 terrorists came across either border. They simply got visas and overstayed their visit. Some of them still had current visas. The argument that border security would have ramped up exponentially after 9/11 is fallacious. Only if it could have been shown that ANY of the terrorists came across either border would that have come to pass.
None of the 9/11 terrorists came across either border. They simply got visas and overstayed their visit. Some of them still had current visas. The argument that border security would have ramped up exponentially after 9/11 is fallacious. Only if it could have been shown that ANY of the terrorists came across either border would that have come to pass.

So, if a man keeps his back door unlock, but one day a thief got into his house through his unlocked window, he would be content on continuing to leave his back door unlocked?
border security my arse

of course not at that point he'd simply
give up trying to lock stuff up
buy a gun and shoot the the next sumbitch
that invaded his home
So, if a man keeps his back door unlock, but one day a thief got into his house through his unlocked window, he would be content on continuing to leave his back door unlocked?

Apples and oranges. The law is clear and the circumstances were as they were.

Wouldn't it make more sense to simply bomb all of the airports of all of the countries where these terrorists come from? Then they couldn't fly here to terrorize us -- right?

I could likely come up with several more silly ideas to match that one; but I think you get my point.