Name changes now require a $5 donation


Staff member
I'm not changing any more names without donations. I won't name anyone in particular, but let's just say the antics of a certain person with an identity crisis caused me a bit more trouble than I planned on dealing with.

In the future, name changes must be preceded by a US$5 donation including the name you wish to be changed to. (Make sure there are no other members by that name FIRST by doing an Advanced Search in the member list. Your donation cannot be refunded if the username is already taken.)

To change your name, go here:

And no, this is not a retroactive change, meaning you won't be charged $15 if you changed your name 3 times.
Laugh it up, jer'k...


If I made this change retroactive, we'd just about be able to buy a dedicated server off of your donations alone. :lol:

Hmm.... that gives me ideas :brow:
Who thinks we should make this a retroactive change, e.g. charge for previous name changes? :evilgrin:

Gee, that would make your bill what, $5000? :beerbang:
no, it's a cheap way of locking you down. Most other boards would tell you to delete your account and create a new one.