Name three people dead or alive that you despise and why

hitler: sick bastard killed 6 million for no reason. he tortured them

Josef Mangle: his experiments on humans with animals made me sick as well as he had no right to play god like that.

Sadam: Desert storm. Killed his own people. partly responsible for the war now
Ellen Workman (ex stepmother) Won't go into it.
Tim Keel (ex friend) Natures living embodiment of a psychotic pathalogical liar and confidence man.
...and my third grade english teacher ... can't remember her name.
Hitler killed far mor than 6 million. That was the jews alone. He also killed thirty million russians not to mention all the others.

I'm going to stay away from the obvious because they're to easy.

Jerry Springer: Encourages people to act like animals and hate one another all the while looking outside themselves.

Larry Flynt: The embodiment of disgust and lack of self control.(actually admits to fucking a chicken)

Have to ponder the third...
Aunty Em said:

:rofl: :rofl3:

That was my exact thought when I saw the title of the thread... :D

Let's see... where should I begin? I'll stay away from the personal acquaintances, and go with the large historical figures...

Immanuel Kant -- The single man most responsible for the millions of deaths caused by war and dictatorship during the 20th century. He did it by destroying the intellectual revolution that began with the Renaissance and culminated in the Enlightenment. Quote: "I found that I had to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith."

Frederic Hegel -- Kant's accomplice. He translated Kant's epistemology into a political theory that inspired both communism and fascism.

Karl Marx -- Instead of trying to list all the bloody-handed communist dictators of the 20th century, I'll just name their direct intellectual ancestor.
Ards, it is amazing how similarly we think. I've also had Marx and Kant on my list, but I'm still debating the third person.
freako104 said:
Josef Mangle: his experiments on humans with animals made me sick as well as he had no right to play god like that.

Joe Mangle, LOL. :rofl2:

If you don't/didn't watch Neighbours, forget it... :D
I'll have to think of the top three, but President McKinley definately ranks up there for ignoring the fact that Hawai'i was illegally overthrown.
1. outside looking in
2. Bigus Dickus