Nancy Grace


Well-Known Member
Who watches this crap? I watched a few episodes when it started but fell off quickly. Interesting stories but come on. The last episode I watched she was reporting on a girl that was stabbed to death. When the show started, the girl had been stabbed 14 times, midway thru the show she had been stabbed 18 times, by the end of the show she had been stabbed 24 times....sensationalism at it's finest.
paul_valaru said:
I think that woman is stark raving mad.
I watch her and I get transfixed. Total trainwreck. I wanna reach through the TV and shake her.
"Nancy Grace" is television's only justice themed/interview/debate show, designed for those interested in the justice stories of the day. Grace challenges guests on the most controversial and high-profile legal issues of the day by drawing on her unique perspective as a former violent crimes prosecutor and as a crime victim herself. Nancy Grace provides viewers with a clear understanding of not only the top trials, but also the cases often overlooked.

Nancy is such a bitter woman that she's got that snarling look forever imprinted in her face.
I can stand to look at her for very long with out the name "Bitch" coming to mind.