Nanner eatin' cops must DIE!!


Southern Discomfort
Reprinted from

A woman in Columbus, Ga. was so offended by seeing police officers there eating bananas that she has solicited a U.S. congressman’s help in forcing them to apologize, reports the Columbus Ledger-Enquirer.

U.S. Congressman Tom Price has sent Columbus Police Chief Ricky Boren a letter about the incident and is demanding to know what he’s doing about it.

The woman who complained, Gwen Stewart, won't say why she's offended, only that she saw two officers eating bananas as she passed them on a bus. She says she and others on the bus found the bananas deeply offensive.


Maybe what Chief Boren will "do" about it is lobby for a pay raise so the cops can afford a freakin bagel.

This is absolutely absurd. We as a society oughta hunt down whoever makes complaints like this and just see how many facial slaps it takes to induce death.
Professur said:
Tell me again why I'm driving 19 hours due south this summer?

For the unique flavor?


Where all ya headed? I might could provide a coupla interesting side trips along the way...we got plenty of 'em in these parts, and some don't even require squealin' like a pig!

I highly recommend that you travel at least a few hours along Skyline Drive in Virginia. You will not regret it. It runs through the National Park system, and as I don't have those sites saved or memorized, (and I won't guarantee my speeling) try searching for it or for Shennandoah National Park. I'll do some digging as well, and if I find a good link I'll post it.

Lookout MOuntain in Chatanooga is a great family destination. Incline Railroad, Rock City, Ruby Falls and other fascinating sites are nearby.

One thing I enjoy is attending local small town "festivals". They are abundant in the South, and many are pretty entertaining. In South Pittsburg TN, for example, they hold the National Cornbread Festival every year. A day devoted entirely to cornbread...God bless America.

Don't know if your itenerary calls for traveling that particular corridor or not, but at least it'll give ya something to gawk at online for awhile.
SouthernN'Proud said:

I highly recommend that you travel at least a few hours along Skyline Drive in Virginia. You will not regret it. It runs through the National Park system, and as I don't have those sites saved or memorized, (and I won't guarantee my speeling) try searching for it or for Shennandoah National Park.

Actually, this is something I was gonna broach later. Points of interest. If I'm bombing the run, there won't be any time, but if I'm bringing the family, I'd like to make some use of the travel time. It'll approach the longest drive we've ever challenged.
me said:
Maybe what Chief Boren will "do" about it is lobby for a pay raise so the cops can afford a freakin bagel.

Upon further reflection, it occurs to me that people get pissed if a cop eats a doughnut, so maybe these cops were already trying to be nonoffensive in their choice of portable nutritional supplement. Hell, we oughta be grateful to them, right? Here they are, debunking a modern stereotype right before our very eyes, and Gwen gets her drawers twisted about it. Tsk tsk.
Were they eating these bananas in a lascivious manner?

Good thing they weren't eating donuts or bagels along with those bananas. Dumb bitch on the bus might have had an orgasm. :rolleyes: