NASA calls it the

Shit....the Army has shit loads of those. C47' pressurised cabins...those are for p*****s. Quit yer complaining though, they give you a barf bag when you board. That way you have something up-chuck in when the four guys scrunched all around you start blowin' their breakfast you got something to hurl yours in. :D
PostCode said:
Shit....the Army has shit loads of those. C47' pressurised cabins...those are for p*****s. Quit yer complaining though, they give you a barf bag when you board. That way you have something up-chuck in when the four guys scrunched all around you start blowin' their breakfast you got something to hurl yours in. :D

C-47's? They haven't flown those since Vietnam. :eek6:Good lord, man, come out of your cave. :lol2:
Then what the hell did they fly us around all the damn time? The Hercules. Ain't those C-47's?
PostCode said:
ohhh I know...C-130 ain't it?



The vomit comet can be found here. ;)
Ah, the good ol' C-130. The primary mission of the reserve base around the corner is training 130 crews, so we get flyovers at all hours - low.

OK, by me, though. I grew up Air Force and probably couldn't sleep without that.
$3k is kind steep for the thrill, but it does look like fun.

Bird is a beaut there gato.

but if you're gonna be weightless . . . .


- just hope they don't slam you out of the dive.