National Treasure


Well-Known Member
I saw "National Treasure" last night and it wasn't as fabulous as I anticipated it to be. I think, for the most part, it was because I had recently read "The DaVinci Code" and it was just so brilliant that anything attempting to come close - using the legends of the Masons and codes and hunting for treasure - just can't measure up. Cage was pretty good except I felt in the beginning his 'cracking' certain codes came too easy to him. I would have prefered to be taken on that solving journey with him. My favorite character has got to be his side kick Riley Poole, played by Justin Bartha. He's kind of like what Johnny Knoxville was to The Rock in "Walking Tall".

I'd still recommend seeing it. There are some really great scenes and the story is a good one. Ultimately, what I consider a really good movie is something I know I'll buy on DVD when it comes out. I'm pretty sure I'll buy this one but only because I'm assuming the extras will be well worth it.

So ... what did everyone else think of the movie?
I doubt I'll see it. From what I've heard, it's little more than another Indiana Jones/Lara Croft rehash, with more comedy. I'll wait for tape.
When I first saw the trailer, pre-reading The Da Vinci code, I wanted to see this movie.

But after reading a few reviews, I probably can wait to rent the DVD. (Of course, that's what usually happens unless I find a babysitter to watch the two little munchkins) :lloyd:
I just watch this on dvd.
I thought it was great, comparatively speaking.
The main drawback I could see is that you could anticipate too much of it.
It needed more surprise.

I'm watching "Master of disguise" next, then "The Incredibles".
That will do it for my 3 this week. *mumbles* damn slow mail