Nazis take over German village


Well-Known Member
Wait 'til they find out that Jamal, or Jamel, is a Black name. LOL


Neo-Nazis Reportedly Take Over East German Village

Published January 05, 2011 |

Officials say neo-Nazis have taken over a village in east Germany, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Residents of Jamel say their village has become a pilgrimage site for the extremists and the local mayor claims that authorities have given up trying to impose order on the town.

"The police, the authorities, no one dares to intervene. The Nazis are laughing in our faces. We've given up on Jamel," Mayor Uwe Wandel told the Daily Telegraph.

The paper reports that swastikas adorn houses across the village and a plaque at the entrance of town says, "Village of Jamel -- free, social, national."

"They see Jamel as a nationally liberated zone," resident Horst Lohmeyer told the paper.

The country's neo-Nazi National Democratic Party has been voted into power in recent years, sending eight representatives to the state parliament.

Click here for more on this story from the Daily Telegraph.
Wait 'til they find out that Jamal, or Jamel, is a Black name. LOL


um yeah jim given the context seems fairly likely that it's a german name, but, uh, interesting comment....:erm:

"clarence whorley... that sounds like a nigga name."

Many of the people that the Nazis hate the most are named Jamal or Jamel. Just an observation.

By the by, the "village" is made up of ten homes seven of which are occupied by Nazis.
Pieces of shit have the right to believe whatever warped twisted crap they want to believe. Oh, sorry, not in the free state of Germany.