NEC wireless tech works at 200KPH


Well-Known Member
NEW WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY that allows PCs to upload and download files and e-mail, even when travelling at high speeds, has been developed by NEC Corp.
NEC tested the connection using an automobile speeding through a test course at 200 kilometers per hour, which is about 120 miles per hour. The connection kept a stable rate of 6 megabits per second, although the company believes the technology could work at speeds up to 300 kilometers per hour.

The idea is that wireless LAN base stations are set up every 300 or 400 meters along a route, allowing the user to stay on a stable connection throughout. NEC is aiming to commercialise the technology in two years, according to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun. µ


Just fucking wonderful. Now, not only can the average retard be yapping on his cell while speeding, now he can be downloading porn, or maybe even the latest music video at 100+ mph. Fucking brilliant.
No to mention the costs of putting in stations every 3-400 meters. I'm buying more Cisco stock.