Need a little legal advice I think


I've just had a couple crazy days...

A couple weeks ago I got pulled over for expired registration on my car. It had just expired by a week. I hadn't been paying attention to it and would have let it go awhile longer if the officer hadn't brought it to my attention.

The officer was nice and gave me a "fixit" ticket which he specifically told me effectively extended my registration until my court date of Dec. 7th. I just to get it renewed before the 7th and he said the judge would probably waive the fine.

So two days ago my car gets towed off the street in front of my house. Apparently whoever had it towed had no idea about the fixit ticket.

So I go to the DMV and get new registration, go down to the courthouse and pay $125 for the vehicle release, and today pay $185 for towing/impound/storage fees.

My car comes out and I see that my driver's side rear window is smashed out. I say "what the hell happened to my window" and the guy says he doesn't know I'll have to talk to the office.

(This looks exactly like my car)

I get in to move my car to a decent parking spot and immediately see that the whole thing has been gone through. The glove compartment is open and everything in it has been thrown on the floor, stuff from the hatch/trunk has been thrown into the backseat, my backpack is missing. In all it looks like $250-$300 worth of stuff is stolen.

So I go into the office and tell them about it. A manager comes out to talk to me and tries to tell me maybe it was broken into before it got towed. He keeps looking at this piece of paper he's holding so I ask "what do you got there?". He says "It's just the police report". So I demand to see it.

The police report in great detail describes every last scratch on my car but makes no mention of a smashed window. The kicker is it clearly states that a green and black backpack was visible in the passenger seat.

Now it's obvious this breakin happened after the car got towed at the tow yard. It's 99.9% chance it was an employee too. You should see this place it's freakin' fortress. 15ft high fences with razor wire, Rottweilers, cars are stored indoors in big warehouse.


The manager offers to fix my window and sends me to a place a couple blocks away. He tells me he'll call the officer that had it towed and to give him a call tomorrow. The place that fixes my window is obviously connected somehow to the tow yard and gives me a little problem about even getting the paperwork that my window was fixed.

The manager calls me a little later and asks what the value of the items stolen is. I tell him that my stuff is all over the place and I am not sure what all is missing yet. He says "Well depending on the amount we could take care of this quickly or it could be a long drawn out process". It really sounded like he's pressuring me to claim a small amount instead of an accurate amount.

I called the police and told them what happened. They told me "Somebody will call you within 48hrs to take a report over the phone for insurance purposes". I asked them if they were going to investigate at all and they said no. "There's no proof some one at A&B towing did this. It happens all the time". I said "How could it happen all the time if someone at A&B wasn't doing it? The place is a goddamn fortress." All she could say again was that someone would call me.

All I can think to do right now is claim the exact amount I lost and call my insurance company tomorrow to see what they can do.
gee and all because you missed paying your registration by a week...

(notice there IS NOT a question mark at the end of the sentence above?)
claim the full amount, it is what you pay insurance for, let the monolithic insurance company put the pressure on the cops to investigate, if enough people had problems at this lot, and they all told, the insurance company will apply pressure.
Impound lots seldomly even attempt to pay for damage...get what you can & run. Generally, they're invincible. Ask the cop
"There's no proof some one at A&B towing did this. It happens all the time"

hehehe, my evil republican plan of destroying flavio is working like a charm
Be prepared to backup the items stolen with receipts. You could claim anything you want otherwise and I don't think insurance companies will do that without documentation.
Sue the bastards. Once they took your vehicle, they, by law, became responsible for it, and everything in it.
The window's' fixed, right? So, how much loss are we talking about here? If it's less than $500, write it off as a life lesson. A submission to your insurance co. will eat you alive in premium increases, and suing them for it will cost you more than $500 just in your time. Keep your registration current from now on, and move on.

If it gets to be much more than $500, you could have a go at suing them in small claims, but that contract is going to be pesky, as Gonz says. The surer route would be to submit a claim under your insurance, but be prepared for a rate bump, plus having to pay your deductible.

My guess is that you've lost way less than 5 bills. It may piss you off, but cut your losses.
Professur said:
I think he means the paper you have to sign before they'll let you within 100' of your car.

They can't do that. They can make it seem that way, but if you fall for that, then you deserve to pay. If they refuse to escort you to the car, you call the same cops that hired them, and have them charged with grand theft.
Professur said:
I think he means the paper you have to sign before they'll let you within 100' of your car.
I've heard of this but this place didn't have one. I just paid the money, showed my driver's license, and gave them the key so they could drive it out.
Professur said:
I think he means the paper you have to sign before they'll let you within 100' of your car.

Both actually. The city contract says, if you break it, pay for it. If we break it, tough shit.