Need help again


Major contributor!
This time I need some help from the more artistically inclined. I got another web page customer. Actually I've got a few more but this one is kind of tough. I can't bring about a good basis for the site. He runs a landscaping business and wants to use earth tones. I'll be damned if I can work the right combination out. Right now it's got a greenish background, brown toned table frames and a few menus for him to view. The first DHTML menu has a leafy image in the background that's been altered some. The next is the same menu, but using a different image. The third is just your atypical run of the mill horizontal menu with a drop down. Kind of borning that one is. Anyway, the font he prefers is Lucida Calligraphy. He's not going to get it for any of the text onthe page and I'm starting to debate the presence of it in the menu's It just doesn't lookt hat good. Am I right here?

The background is a tough one. I can't find a background that would look decent. If anyone has a light leafy background could you pass it my way?

Anyway, check it out here:
How about a shot of a few blades of grass from an ant's point of view protruding from the bottom left and the sun top right......or something of such sorts for the background shot. You don't see enough photos in backgrounds today.

I have another idea but forgive me, I am saving that for my own website.

I could suggest an elaborate art neuvou style background with flash animated butterflies springing out every time a link is clicked but that requires a lot of work though if you did what I had in mind it would own.
I could suggest an elaborate art neuvou style background with flash animated butterflies springing out every time a link is clicked but that requires a lot of work though if you did what I had in mind it would own.

I prefer to stay as far away from flash as possible simply because it can be a real burden. I want to try and keep it clean and professional. He wants to have a page to display various landscaping jobs his company has completed and that'll be the pupose of the "Our Work" page. So, I want to keep the amount of graphics to a minimum on other pages. I don't know what kind of bandwidth he has yet.
That's a good idea on the grass. I'd have to change the background to a white one, but to tell you the truth this green is kinda bothersome. I'll have to see what I can come up with. Thanks.
That's it. I had to get rid of htat green background. It was just to annoying for me. I'm going to work on a couple images and try to livin up each page other than the page in which will be used to display his work.