Need help ASAP


Staff member
So, I was stupid and took a gravol before coming to work. Now I can't keep my eyes open, have already had a cna of coke. Any ideas what I could do?
Having a can of Pepsi now. I don't like coffee but I am trying to get some caffeine in me to wake me up.
take all of your clothes off and run around out in the parking lot buck naked.. the sheer thrill will wake you up.:bgtup:

if you don't have a parking lot, you can borrow the one where i work.
Wait!!!! Don't do that yet.

Give me the email address of the guy sitting closest to you first. BTW, did you bring you digicam with you to work?
Do you remember the Letterman show where he put on the velcro suit and jumped into a velcro wall? Surely you guys have one of those around, don't you?
Velcro wall? Nope, sorry. We've got a wall that SAYS "Velcro" on it but not one covered in Velcro...

I am a bit more awake since I drank the Pepsi. DAMN GRAVAL!
Gravol is a Antihistamine, antiemetic. Its used for sleep aid and motion sickness. both contain equal amounts of Dimenhydrinate

If your drowsy id recomend walking around. If it was only one then you shouldnt have a problem. When taken in high doses you wouldlt be able to move. It has a high tolerance for abuse. I would just drink some coke or more pepsi's and try to stay awake i guess