Need new HD


New Member
The one(s) in it are making a clicking sound and pausing,running out of HD space ,yet "My Computer shows 1.54GB free) and I can't run a Scandisk(GUI or SafeMode) as it says its locked by a disk utility .Does this look any good .Any probs with HD size ,I'll probably be going with XP Pro and dumping 98 ,

Comp specs (I know it'll need more RAM)

VolcanoII/RadioShack paste
1.2ghz 266DDR T-bird @ 1.4
384 MB PC133
Plextor 712A DVDR-W
Matrox G450 32MB AGP
Viewsonic G90f 19"
What type of HD are you looking for? I have 2 Seagate 300GB PATA drives that are still in the box and shrink wrapped. I know you are in BC and I am not sure what the cost of shipping is, but if you are interested, let me know.

EDIT: And by the way, clicking on that link leads me to Sneakers Computers, but I have to enter my closest store, and there is no HD listed in the linky...
I do have access to an 80Gb and a 30Gb drive,but want to go with buyinh something larger local as I fear the end is nigh for the HD.I've had rpobs within XP of lags and other issues but I always just assumed it was the lack of RAM .I also have Win98 (fat32) partitions on the both drives and NTFS partitions on both as well ,this really screws with the drive letters in 98.Hopefully one large drive will solve this.
EDIT: And by the way, clicking on that link leads me to Sneakers Computers, but I have to enter my closest store, and there is no HD listed in the linky...

I was afraid of that.

250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDEMaxtor 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE

Maxtor 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE
Part #: SU HD-MA-6L250R0 - 2

$127.00 Cdn 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE
250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDEMaxtor 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE

Maxtor 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE
Part #: SU HD-MA-6L250R0 - 2

$127.00 Cdn 250GB 7200RPM Hard Drive, 16MB Cache, IDE

Well, I have heard better things about the WD 250GB HD's, but I am not sure if those are available. However, from personal experience, I have used Maxtor quite a bit and they haven't let me down yet.

The HD I mentioned I have is IDE...
HDDs are constanly on sale. I've seen lots of under $100 300+GB as of late.