need to vent ...


Well-Known Member
Ok ... so, let me give you some background on the situation first ...

Here at the school, I set up the computer lab in the halau (hula school) every day. If a teacher wants to block time for his or her entire class, they have to sign up for it on the sign-up sheet that normally hangs on the wall of my cubicle. Well, on Saturday, on the Visual Arts School sponsored by the Foundation opened its Art Exhibit, so the halau has been transformed into an Art Gallery of sorts BUT, because this is the last week of school before the quarter ends, the computers are still set up in the halau, amongst all the art. So, if you were a teacher and you saw that the computers are set up and ready to be used, would you not think that the lab was still open? Pretty obvious, right? Evidentally not ...

Now, because there is art hanging from every available wall space, including the back side of my cubicle, and because having a sign-up sheet in the middle of the art exhibit isn't exactly aesthetically (spelling?) pleasing, I moved the sign-up sheet to my desk. Now here's the thing ... a teacher came and asked me if there was a reason the sing-up sheet isn't hanging up ... I said "yes, because there is art hanging on the wall." Straight question, straight answer. She then asked how long the exhibit was going to be there. I answered "for the next two weeks." Again, straight question, straight answer.

Well, she tells a staff member that I said the computer lab is closed and will remain closed for the next two weeks! WTF is up with that? Had she asked what she meant to ask, she would have been given very different answers ... Hello ... can someone please prescribe her some very basic, fundatmental communication skills????????

AAARRRGGGHHHH ... it's stoopid people monday ....
I knew you guys would make me smile this morning ... and it started off soooo promising ... :)
I just wanted to let you know, I went in the lab earlier, and there seems to be a bunch of new pictures in there. I really like the way you redecorated.
*smacks Squiggy cause I know he's a Mac Guy* hehehehehe

Q - you can have anything you want .. cause I know yer not one of them stoopid people! :D
*twirls on head* kewl....I want one of those coolie lookin Hawaiian plants with BIG flowers!! :trippin:
i came back with my wallet to buy that froody piece of art - the avant garde one with the paper and the string and the pencil attached but it seems to have gone. :(

getty will be pissed ;)
You prolly couldn't have afforded that one anyway, ris....I saw a bunch of people looking at it last week. :D

my kids had some pieces in the exhibit ... I was so proud of them ... my mom came and asked me which pieces I was gonna get .. I told her which ones, she went back in the halau, came out and said "ok - I just bought a few of the ones you wanted" :eek: ... what was I gonna do? Yell at my mom? :D
... I thought the computers you set up were part of the exhibit, I was going to ask the exhibit lady if I could purchase one ... :tardbang: