Neighborhood watch in Iraq.

Those were just the brainwashed dupes of Doubleewes posing as Iraqis. Everybody knows that Iraqis would never turn over bad guys to the Americans because that might be construed as agreement with our policy and lord knows that isn't the case. Just ask Howard Dean & John F'ing Kerry.
Any Iraqi that has two functioning brain cells has
gotta know that if we abandoned them and left
their sorry asses, they'd be inna world of hurt
before they knew it and the AIF would come a knockin’.

I hope in time they get up and fight for themselves
basically save their own asses cuz the American
poop-u-lation will soon tire of the whole deal.

Guess they could hope for a 9-11 redo and then we'd
be recharged to kick some terrorist ass again?

Imagine Whirled Peas!