Never thought I'd see the day...


Well-Known Member
...but I installed a wi-fi PCI card in my computer. I have a wireless network setup already, strictly for my father's laptop, but I finally put a wi-fi card in a desktop.

I was sitting in my basement on my computer with my friend, thinking, 'Why the hell am I in the basement?"

I'm in a room with cinderblock walls and a concrete floor. It's very open, bad for speakers. There's crap laying around everywhere, random parts that I've collected. My annoying brother listens to loud music and talks on xbox live right next to me. I don't know why I am here. The only thing stopping me from relocating to another room was running cat5.

I was at work tonight, and I heard that CompUSA, which is like a quarter mile away, his having some crazy sale lasting until midnight. I had a spare $30 compusa giftcard kicking around, so I went. I was originally checking out the Thermaltake Mambo case, since I have a mATX board, one optical drive, and one hard drive, and two spare cases - a mATX Dell case that the PSU doesn't fit in, and a full tower ATX case that has far more room than I need. The case was a cheap piece of shit. I decided not to get it as soon as I saw the cheap plastic door. I saw a few decent cases for ~$80, but nothing special short of the $100+ Antec P180. I spotted a wi-fi 'game adaptor' which is pretty much a two port switch hooked up to an access point in one box, the idea being that you could hook up a regular wired network to one side, and have it be able to access the wireless network without being physically connected to the router. It was $80. Then I saw a Wi-FI card for $40, so I bought it.

So now I've got to try a few locations for my PC before I find one I like and relocate there.
You get faster transfer from PC to PC using Cat5... but if all you're doing is surfing the internet, even wireless B is plenty fast enough, although the range is less than G.
If you can't get a proper signal, try using one of the pringlebolic antennas :D
Well, damn, now I can't be a cat5 supremecist any more. And when I say I use 802.11g, people know what it means. I loved saying "Yeah, I have an 802.3 network!" and everyone would go "wtf?".

Now is the time to mess around and figure out how to set it up so that I can put my PC anywhere then hook a switch to it and give anything on the switch internet connectivity through the wireless. It's been a long two years since my Net+, and even when I took it, there was very little about wireless.
To make up for my crime against networking, I spent the day wiring up the entire house for a LAN party... there is some 500 feet of Cat5 and 6 switches/hubs, bringing network connectivitiy to five rooms.
I LOVE wireless, I paid $10 for my card for my laptop :D

I just wish I had it here in Brampton...damn ugly orange cable all over my room..
Altron said:
$60 regular
-$20 in rebates
-$30 CompUSA giftcard

Me too!

$10 out of pocket...but the giftcard counts too cause IF the router only cost $10 after rebates you'd have $30 more in your pocket ($20 on a giftcard and $10 cash prolly...) or $30 more stuff :p
Nixy said:
$10 out of pocket...but the giftcard counts too cause IF the router only cost $10 after rebates you'd have $30 more in your pocket ($20 on a giftcard and $10 cash prolly...) or $30 more stuff :p

Yeah, but the giftcard wasn't doing anything sitting in my pocket, and aside from buying an overpriced and crappy case or an overpriced and crappy video card, I didn't have many options.