New Avatar -- Eat your heart out Fi!

Aww, look, you made her feel bad!

Scanty, you can eat MY heart out if you want. :brow:
I remember when I called Scanty Fi or Fi Scanty....

I don't remember what it was about or where it was or when. Ok, so I don't remember WHEN I just remember that it happened! :p
Nixy said:
I remember when I called Scanty Fi or Fi Scanty....

I don't remember what it was about or where it was or when. Ok, so I don't remember WHEN I just remember that it happened! :p


I didn't notice anyway...!
kuulani said:
Fi started an eye craze :eek:

It could get quite disturbing if it continued...

What if everyone photoed their eye to use as an av...?

hmmm? hmmm? :eek:
I think that's one of his little ones.

Either that or he has found the fountain of youth.
Actually, someone pointed it out ot me and I edited it and pretended it never happened thus making them look foolish! :D
Here is mine...


Ugh.... It's so.... RED.

Did you accidentally stick your finger in it while trying to pull your eyelids apart? Had you been surfing the net all day? Have you been on a ten day drunk? Had you just burned one? Are you suffering from pink eye?

My God, man... what is WRONG with that eye??
unclehobart said:
Use a little cold cream to firm up that skin. :)

I swear if it weren't for the eyelashes it would look like someone was staring out from the inside of a highly irritated vagina.