New battlefield


molṑn labé
Staff member
IRANIAN forces are being choppered over the Iraqi border to bomb Our Boys, intelligence chiefs say.

Military experts claim this worrying move means we are at WAR with Iran in all but name.

Last night an intelligence source told The Sun: “It is an extremely alarming development and raises the stakes considerably. In effect, it means we are in a full on war with Iran — but nobody has officially declared it.

“We have hard proof that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps have crossed the border to attack us.

“It is very hard for us to strike back. All we can do is try to defend ourselves. We are badly on the back foot.”

Our Boys picked up the Iranian helicopters on radar crossing into empty desert.

The sightings have been confirmed to The Sun by very senior military sources.


Just another battle in a larger war. Maybe thise time the allied side will tell the media to go pound sand & do what the military does best....kill people & break things
Nope the Dems will win the election and withdraw
leaving the whole thing wide open to the Iranians.
Nope the Dems will win the election and withdraw
leaving the whole thing wide open to the Iranians.

Dems think fighting a war should be as painless as possible. Like most of those who believe themselves 'mentally superior', they have lost sight of what reality truly is. Elitism has come to the US, and the most clueless ones are running the joint.
wow. installment number 4,936 of "blame the dems because things aren't going well for us over there." kinda pathetic.

i don't like the dems either but you guys need to get a new scapegoat. and a new record. cuz this one is broken.
wow. installment number 4,936 of "blame the dems because things aren't going well for us over there." kinda pathetic.

i don't like the dems either but you guys need to get a new scapegoat. and a new record. cuz this one is broken.

Who's been pushing for a troop withdrawal? Who's been bad-mouthing this 'police action' since they funded it? Draw your own conclusions. As for pathetic, thats to be saved for later when this whole thing blows over.
well let's hope it doesn't just "blow over" and that we can create some kind of "victory" out of it.

but really, was it the dems that were charge with the execution of the war? no? was it they who tried to do it 'on the cheap' with too few troops/resources. no? hmmm... seems like there's plenty of "unrealistic" to go around.
well let's hope it doesn't just "blow over" and that we can create some kind of "victory" out of it.

Its still possible...if the public would be willing to make the sacrifice.

2minkey said:
but really, was it the dems that were charge with the execution of the war? no? was it they who tried to do it 'on the cheap' with too few troops/resources. no? hmmm... seems like there's plenty of "unrealistic" to go around.

Never said they were. If you remember, I was the one who said that originally, only to have my experience called into question, and a demand for a huge strategic planning op to show I have the knowledge to prove I know what I'm talking about...;)
Since 1960 (give or take) the Democrats have decided to be the moral compass for the US. Ironic, considering they despise anything moral. However, they can be shown to be in the lead on virtually everything that opposes the fabric of what makes America work, including destruction of our military. When they aren't belittling the troops by calling them failures (or far worse-see Vietnam) they are literally dismantling it (see Carter & Clinton).

When there are only two viable power sources (Dems & Repubs), the pickings are slim to change ones tune.