New Domino Theory?


New Member
Just wanted some feedback on something I heard on TV last night. The Prez was saying that Islam's real goal was world domination. :confused:

Since Shites kill Sunnis and vice versa it's hard to imagine any real global threat from a bunch of tribal goatherders. I just wondered if anyone saw Islam as anything organized or capable of a united effort?
Hello and welcome to the boards.

Just as an aside, we like to keep polarizing and political threads isolated to the 'real world' forum. This one is kept more general and light hearted. :)


If only the greater Islamist empires were just goatherders there wouldn't be much threat or trouble from them. The truer picture is one where the upper tenth of their society, the ones that grew immensely wealthy from oil revenues over the last 50 years, are quite educated and blinded by a so-called love for the will and dominance of their god and religion over any and all non-Islamist power bases.

Islam has become the new communism. It used to be communism that wanted to take over the world. Frankly, I always thought it was MTV and McDonalds that had the best chance.
Let's be more specific. Yes, I believe that the Islamic fundamentalists are hell bent on world domination. They tell you that with everything they say. Islam & it's regular followers are much like any other religion & it's peoples....unfortuantely, there seem to be an overabundance of Islamic radicals.
Everybody wants to rule the world (Tears for Fears anyone?). Islamic fundamentalists are certainly the flavor du jour though. Even putting aside my personal anti-religion inclination, I think fanatic fundamentalists of any religion should be killed out of hand (before they procreate). Just an opinion, but it's unlikely to change in this lifetime.
"Just as an aside, we like to keep polarizing and political threads isolated to the 'real world' forum. This one is kept more general and light hearted. "


Thanks for the heads up, the forum titles don't explain much. Guidance is appreciated.

"If only the greater Islamist empires were just goatherders there wouldn't be much threat or trouble from them. The truer picture is one where the upper tenth of their society, the ones that grew immensely wealthy from oil revenues over the last 50 years, are quite educated and blinded by a so-called love for the will and dominance of their god and religion over any and all non-Islamist power bases.

Islam has become the new communism. It used to be communism that wanted to take over the world. Frankly, I always thought it was MTV and McDonalds that had the best chance."

Certainly that's true in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the Emirates but most arabs aren't affected much by oil wealth. 500 years ago the Moors were leaders in Science, architecture and perhaps even ahead of Europeans. Today there are almost as many sects and splinter groups as there are local mullahs. Even in Gaza Hamas is fighting with Fatah's police.
I personally think Islam is in it's own Dark Ages and incapable of anything more organized than terrorism.

I'd worry a lot more about the Asian economies than about organized islamaniacal world domination.
"There is some discussion on that topic in this thread: Where is the greatest threat to world peace to be found?."

" Yes, I believe that the Islamic fundamentalists are hell bent on world domination. They tell you that with everything they say. Islam & it's regular followers are much like any other religion & it's peoples."

I agree they may wish it but then so has about every religion. It seems to be a religious "feature" to believe gawd wants us to force our personal ism's on others. My landlord is a Mormon who spent two years in Siberia. At night Mormons scurry about knocking on all the apartments. I guess it's better than a crusade. :lol2:
chcr said:
Everybody wants to rule the world (Tears for Fears anyone?). Islamic fundamentalists are certainly the flavor du jour though. Even putting aside my personal anti-religion inclination, I think fanatic fundamentalists of any religion should be killed out of hand (before they procreate). Just an opinion, but it's unlikely to change in this lifetime.

I'm glad you said that first and I certainly agree. There is something perverse about wanting to force personal beliefs on others but it's been pretty typical throughout history.
I think the religious tolerance this country was founded on is our greatest strength. I get nervous when I see some try to insert religion into government policies. Zealots/fundies seem to kill an awful lot of people in the name of gawd. :devious:
Pastafarian said:
There is something perverse about wanting to force personal beliefs on others

There is a double edged sword.

Pastafarian said:
I get nervous when I see some try to insert religion into government policies.

Never read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? Is God religion or must it be more specific (Jesus, Buddah)?
I must preface by saying that yours is among the cooler screen names I've happened across lately.

Islamists seem to me to be much like true zealots of any dogma. They see the world with blinders. They and only they are right; all others are, to borrow their own term, infadels.

I tend to shy away from zealots even among my own religion of choice. For that, you may thank Tipper fucking Gore.

I will leave in depth analysis of what Islamists believe to those more learned than myself, and we have several learned folk here. My only other contribution to the discussion would be a reminder that unless it's a direct on camera quote, I don't trust much of anything the news media presents anymore. It's been pasteurized, sterilized, PCized, agendized, and spin doctored into a shadow of what really happened by the time the talking heads read it off the teleprompter.
SouthernN'Proud said:
My only other contribution to the discussion would be a reminder that unless it's a direct on camera quote, I don't trust much of anything the news media presents anymore. It's been pasteurized, sterilized, PCized, agendized, and spin doctored into a shadow of what really happened by the time the talking heads read it off the teleprompter.

Gotta agree with thgat part. I thought the Runaway Bride was an all time low for infomercial news until the CNN blonde made the missing Alabama/Aruba girl a cause celeb for over 100 days.
Sensationalism outranks news since Fox figured out that screaming demagogues tap into the Jerry Springer market. MSNBC & CNN sold out to keep market share. If it wasn't for newspapers I wouldn't know where to find actual news.
"Never read the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? Is God religion or must it be more specific (Jesus, Buddah)?"

If I recall the framers were Deists rather than any special flavor.
Pastafarian said:
religious tolerance this country

You think there is religious tolerance in this country? More than some, but a lot less than there used to be. Functionally less and less each day, too.

BTW, while freedom of and from religion is implicit in the constitution, it is never directly addressed. A lot of folks think this means that religious freedom is not one of the tenets upon which our country was founded.
chcr said:
BTW, while freedom of and from religion is implicit in the constitution, it is never directly addressed. A lot of folks think this means that religious freedom is not one of the tenets upon which our country was founded.

Well, with the included, free exercise thereof, does kinda lean toward making it difficult to be completely free from. I doubt the founders would have said you must participate but they also would not have said it may not be publically included. That would fall under your oft quoted United States of the Offended.
The real domino theory
the only one that has
gained any traction
made any progress


Western style freedom

don't worry about the goat herders
they are So seventh century and will always be just another minor nuisance
Winky, Winky, has history taught you nothing? The Domino Theory is a fantasy.