New England Patriots vs Carolina Panthers


molṑn labé
Staff member
SuperBowl ecks ecks ecks something is decided.

[edit]does anyone care?[/edit]
Squiggy said:
You can never count on them win its crunch time...:mope:

The officiating really did suck though...
now you sound like a Boston sports fan... :laugh:
:laugh: I knew the Eagles were in trouble after watching the Panthers last week....They wanted it more and they deserved it.
Once again, the Patriots didn't so much win a game as the prince of darkness delivered it to them on a silver platter with umpteen turnovers and inflicting the imaculate colt offense with the style and grace of the Detroit Lions for a game.
The Eagles play like a bunch of powderpuffs. Now that may be good enough to beat the Packers (WOOHOO! 4TH AND 26 WILL HAUNT THEM FOREVER! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! :D Sorry, I'm a Bears fan and have to celebrate every embarrassment of the Packers I can because my team seems to have forgotten how to do it :mad: ) but it certainly isn't gonna carry you to a title. The key for the Pats: win in regulation, because the Panthers have won (I think) 4 games in OT this year, including one in 2OT a couple of weeks ago in St. Louis. Also, there won't be any significant wind chill (barring some weird act of God) in Houston, and that plays much more into Carolina's hands.

BTW, I will soon be getting the entire '85 Bears season on tape, every single game, including their record back-to-back playoff shutouts and of course, the Super Bowl. :cool: Will New England do better this time? I don't think they'll have negative total yards in the first half like they did against us. :evilcool: