new job!!


New Member
I just got a job offer that will almost double what I'm making now!! PLUS, it's my dream type of job ... creating Hawaiian langauge/studies curriculum.

I'm so excited ... the details are still being worked out, but this comes at a perfect time because the construction of my house is almost done (finally!!) and my mortgage will come to kick us in our asses :D

AND both kids just finished babysitting and preschool this year, which used to cost us about $800/month. woohoo!! *dance of joy*

Looks like we should all start hassling you about attending the BBQ now!! Speaking of BBQ *wanders off to find the thread*
WOW congrats ku'u!!!!

Construction huh?, maybe you should not attend the BBQ but host it ;)
Congratulations!! :banana:

There's nothing like working in a job doing something you really like to do. Better pay is icing on the cake. :cool:
WOW congrats ku'u!!!!

Construction huh?, maybe you should not attend the BBQ but host it ;)

She's already expressed that people should travel to Hawaii for the BBQ...but that's just not plausible for most of us right now...
Ah, so that's why they called me to teach the Myth class at HawCC? LOL .. I have to call and tell them I can't do it .. I keep forgetting
Don't you guys kinda live in the same house?? How did you not know about this Sis?
Don't you guys kinda live in the same house?? How did you not know about this Sis?

hahaha .. technically we live under the same roof though different houses .. at least for a few more months *sniff* *sniff* and we work together in the same office LOL .. but yeah, it took me a while to figure out why they were calling me to ask to teach one of their classes LOL .. duh .. Rob's right .. it's the beer .. LOL