New Legislation


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
I wasn't sure whether to post this here or Tech, move it if you want, but....

You guys might want to read this and then call your dumbass senators if you live in one of these states.

Massachusetts, Texas, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alaska, Tennessee, and Colorado.

Apparently they are trying to create legislation that prohibits use of any technology that conceals the place of origin or destination of any communication. That basically means your routers, encryption, and a ton of other stuff would then be illegal.

Read on.
I wonder if that has anything to do with the Patriot Act requiring that Internet service providers make their services more wiretap friendly, giving law enforcement the ability to capture pen register information or allowing the installation of Carnivore technology.
Never happen.
Hes, that's the one that gets freedom in trouble every time. The people who are intelligent enough to understand how dangerous something like this is think it can't happen here. I assure you, it can.
Most of the current legislation is for if you are doing it with an intent to commit a crime. But, how are they going to know if you are doing it with an intent? This is dangerous, this may not be the one that takes our rights, but I assure you, it takes another step closer to it.
Right, PT. It's one of the things I fear most since 9/11. Tha we'll lose so many of our freedoms, we'll end up distracting the terrorists by giving them just what they wanted.
Hear hear, PT. Thanks for the link. Fortunately, I'm not in one of those states ATM, but I'll be on the lookout for it in my home state, or whatever state I'm in when it flows down the pike.
The courts are going to be busy on this one. A really interesting angle will be the argument someones going to front, probably early on, is that the states may or may not be able to supersede DMCA (Federal)...that it's commercial and interstate, and thus solely a Fed concern...'s really not too funny overall, but it might be kind of a hoot watching various government entities squabble over who gets to prosecute whom...

in the end this goes to the Supreme Court...all of it...and one hopes they take a dim view of of it at that time....'s pretty sick, what's been vomited forth in the name of , originally, legitimate copyright concerns...
