New low


molṑn labé
Staff member
alternate title: Why we love our local school district.

My wifes sister has a (just) 19 year old son. He is an A1 Top Rung fuck up. Still in H.S. He should've graduated last year. Didn't. He was scheduled to graduate in Jan 05. Didn't. He flunked Earth Science so some numbskull had the bright idea to put him in Chemistry. He got his mid-grading period report a couple of days ago. Nine percent. 9%. Making it virtually impossible to pass this semester.

That is the funny part.

He stayed home from school today (as he does many days). He asks/tells his mom to call in for him. She, foolishly, concedes to his wishes. As a change of pace, when they ask the reason for his absence, she tells them that "he wants to sleep in". She further tells them that from now on, she's not gonna call. If they want to know where he is, ask him.

Seems sensible to me.

To make a long story a little shorter, the FWCS system informs her that, since he is so close to graduating, they will not accept her recomendation that he drop out. They fail to notice he's been "||" this close for 2 years. They also tell her that, if he fails to appear, she will be held responsible.

They are threatening a 90lb sickly woman with judicial action for an "adult" male. I looked it up & the IN statutes require those between 7-17 to be in school. He's 19. IN statutes further define adult as being 18 or older.

They must be hard up for state education money. I guess more inner-city schools need Olympic size pools & babysitting, on campus. :rolleyes:
He needs his ass kicked.
Well prolly woulda werked when he was 7
but it's to late now and too late to blame the 'school'.

Lemme guess

he didn't have a Dad.
HE had a dad...has...they were divorced 5 or so years ago. Dad is an abusive alcoholic asshole. IN fact, he's in jail right now for 3 weeks (DUI).

This isn't about the idiot's about the a public school system that threatens parents of adult children.
No it isn't aboot the school system it's aboot failed parenting.

Besides what the hell kinda screw up is this Kid?

Mama should boot him outta the door nothing good can come from this.

And I rest my case His Dad failed as a father case closed Next!
He is a passive agressive asshole. He'd do his homework. Then he wouldn't turn it in.

We've all suggested kicking him out. She can't. The school district will sue her.
She should let them. See how long it takes before someone reads his file and sees he's 19. Then she can get them for mental anguish and way overinflated costs.
They know...they've spoken many many times over teh last 3-4 years. They are being foolish & I told her to tell them to "bring it on". I wonder, could I serve as a juror & a defense attorney at the same time?
Hell yeah win the multi-million dollar lawsuit AND boot the brat Son out in the street!
A Win-win fer sure. lol
Winky said:
No it isn't aboot the school system it's aboot failed parenting.

Besides what the hell kinda screw up is this Kid?

Mama should boot him outta the door nothing good can come from this.

And I rest my case His Dad failed as a father case closed Next!

Purty much says it.
Itching to type... must say... can't.. must not.. need to... AAaaaaAAArrrggghh!

*CB struggles with implosion from the need to score points off Gonz*
The school system is wrong to mentally badger the mother.

The kid is a certified loser with about as much future to look forward to as a fruit fly. His next promotion at work will involve saying the phrase, "Fries are up!" every 45 seconds or so.

Failed parenting? Maybe. Impossible to judge without being there and knowing all the circumstances, but it sounds more like lazy parenting to me.

If 18 means 18 and that means adult, then he oughta be held accountable for his decisions both by the school board (kick his lazy ass out) and the mother (ditto). Wanna lay around on your ass all day? it somewhere else. Eat someone else's food. Go find someone desperate enough to take you in and shack up on them for awhile...I'm sick of keeping you up, and as an added bonus, if you go shack up you might get laid once a week or so. Better than what you'll get here, pal.

Kid needs a dose of reality. Let him go cold and hungry long enough and he might do something about it. Hopefully it'll be something legal. If not, then his housing, food and clothing needs can be seen to by the still gets a break from him.
ClaireBear said:
Itching to type... must say... can't.. must not.. need to... AAaaaaAAArrrggghh!

*CB struggles with implosion from the need to score points off Gonz*

He's not my kid. In fact I typed an apt description among the first few words.
It sounds like the boy didn't have much of a chance, anyways. A Dad who really wasn't one, and a Mom who was more than likely guilt ridden and overcompensated by making excuses and allowances where there shouldn't have been any.

Anyways, back to the main topic: The school board -> Curious: if the boy moved out, would Mom still be held responsible?
She has no right to make him do anything. She needs to tell the next one to call, and every one after that to stuff it.
ClaireBear said:
No but you married into the family that spawned him and "raised" him...

Wow! That felt good!!!!

Are you outta yer fucking gourd? Different parents, different family. Talk about stretching.