New Orleans Mayor makes another profound statement....


100% Pure Canadian Beef
During the "60 minutes" interview, a correspondent pointed out flood-damaged cars still on the streets of New Orleans' devastated Ninth Ward. Nagin replied, "You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed, and it's five years later. So let's be fair," according to CBS.

OMG he really did say that
It's a chocolate city doncha know.

How in the hell did this fool ever get re-elected?

For that matter, how in the hell is New Orleans, Louisiana in general but NO in particular, such a mess? One would think that with decades of liberal democrat rule the city would be a beacon, shining on a hill, for all to see the splendors of liberalism at work. No cultural injustice. No crime (since its perfection at work & everybody shares in the grand design). All citizens working in harmony for the betterment of the group & sharing equally & fully in its riches. Why isn't New Orleans the example of modern liberal ideals?

Oh, wait, it is.