New "outside" ethics office.


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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House voted Tuesday to create an outside ethics office with the authority to investigate perceived ethical misconduct by its members.

The 229-182 vote creates the Office of Congressional Ethics, composed of three members appointed by the speaker and three appointed by the minority leader.

Current members of Congress, federal employees and lobbyists would not be eligible for appointment.

the quotations are for the bolded portions.

If you want independent, pick the top 100 people on the jury duty list, each party has 30 vetoes, and you have 4 truly independent people to police the house.

Look ma! The gubmint just created a bunch more gubmint jobs! Ain't that jes spiffy? And the clueless masses think it's gonna accomplish somethin!

Well Johnny, it WILL accomplish something. It increases the money needed to fund the government. That means our tax bill just went up.

Golly gee, ma! Does that mean you and dad get to send more of your income to the gubmint every payday?

Yes, Johhny, that's what it means.

Gosh golly gee willikers, I sho am glad we's democrats then! We likes payin taxes!