New respect for Franken


Well-Known Member
I don't like the guy but this speech on net neutrality has garnered new respect for him from me.

Definitely worth listening to.

While I agree with Most of what Franken said, I don't agree with a blanket law.

As he said, basically, 'there are monopoly laws already'.
Use them.

I think it should be a case by case basis.
I don't trust gov. just as much as I don't trust comcast.

I'd like to see an opposing view on this.

Id also like to know if, and or how much stock Franken owns in NetFlix.

Just as I said in another post.....The end result isn't all that matters...
How we get there has to be right, so it can't be twisted later.
I don't trust government far more than I don't trust comcast because I don't have to interact with comcast. They have no power over me.