New Secretary of Defense Gates supports engaging Iran and Syria for help in Iraq


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WASHINGTON - Former CIA Director Robert Gates, President Bush's nominee for defense Secretary, criticized the handling of the war in Iraq and said he will improve Pentagon postwar planning if he is confirmed.

Gates also endorsed the idea of engaging Iran and Syria for help in stabilizing increasingly violent Iraq, an opinion at odds with Bush's.

Gates made the comments in response to a questionnaire from the Senate Armed Services Committee, which is to hold a confirmation hearing next week.

"War planning should be done with the understanding that post-major combat phase of operations can be crucial," Gates said in a 65-page written response submitted to the committee Tuesday.

"If confirmed, I intend to improve the department's capabilities in this area," he said in answer to a question about what he would have done differently. "With the advantage of hindsight, I might have done some things differently."

Gates also appeared to subtly criticize the invasion of Iraq.

"I believe the use of pre-emptive force should be based on very strong evidence," he said when asked about incorrect intelligence saying that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. "It is a decision that must not be taken lightly," Gates added.

He also said that "hard questions" must be asked about intelligence.

Iran and Syria aid endorsed
Asked whether the United States should engage Iran and Syria for help in stabilizing Iraq, Gates endorsed the idea but said talks need not be on a one-on-one basis.

A bipartisan commission led by former Secretary of State James A. Baker III and former Representative Lee H. Hamilton is widely expected to call for regional talks as part of its recommendations for a way forward in Iraq.

"Even in the worst days of the Cold War, the U.S. maintained a dialogue with the Soviet Union and China, and I believe those channels of communication helped us manage many potentially difficult situations," the nominee said of proposals for talks with Iran.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This
Good to see GW is now outright hiring those with no clue. Apparently he's chosen to forget victory.
Good to see GW is now outright hiring those with no clue.

birds of a feather...

or, wait, maybe someone who's not a dumb-ass meathead bandwagon rah rah go team-player....?

Apparently he's chosen to forget victory.

victory? who are you fucking kidding? you must mean the trillion dollar humiliation. let's hope we can forget about that some day.
Let's see...Saddam is out of power & has been senteced to hang.

Iraq has had several free elections

All on a smaller body count than Los Angeles homicides in 1988-1989.

Lebanon has turned over their crap.

If that's failure, let's have more of it.
Let's see...Saddam is out of power & has been senteced to hang.

Iraq has had several free elections

All on a smaller body count than Los Angeles homicides in 1988-1989.

Lebanon has turned over their crap.

If that's failure, let's have more of it.

1. to no profitable end.

2. and lebanon is still a fractured pile of poop. and the maronite fucker's dead too.

go team.
The Baker study group looks like it will recommend talking to Iran and Syria and planning withdrawal also now.