new songs


Well-Known Member
i'm getting tired of the 200+ songs i've dl on kazaa. i need new ones.
not looking for stuff thats widely played on commercial radio. looking for new music. genre doesn't matter.
See linked file... :p I'm sorting music at the moment since I've download quite a bit in the past few days. And since I have more hard disk space again, I'm moving a lot from CD. Meanwhile, read through the playlist for ideas. ;) (my playlist at the moment)
My recommendations to start off :p

- Evanescence - bring me to life
- AudioVent - Underwater Silence
- Greenwheel - Breathe
- Tea Party - Walking Wounded and Psychopomp
- The Calling - Wherever You Will Go
- Madonna - Frozen

Check the rest of the list lol...
get on direct connect or something, spot, then you can er....look through my files. :brow:

you :lloyd: