New World Order


molṑn labé
Staff member
WASHINGTON -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson today unveiled a 218-page blueprint for regulatory reform that would represent the largest federal overhaul since the Great Depression.

The blueprint, widely previewed before the secretary's remarks, would give the Federal Reserve more authority to oversee the markets and would create one superagency to oversee both investor protection and market stability, assuming many of the tasks of current agencies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of Thrift Supervision.

I can't believe that noonw noticed this tripe. Socialism is alive & kicking .
like I said...GW ain;t out yet,,,and he Still has executive order, to do anything...
just about.

some people say the pres doesn't have much power really, they are wrong.
You feel vindicatred? Why? You're one of theose they're stealing it from.
he was refering to his belief that his country was stolen out from under his ancestors during the civil war


and I came here for a thread about wrestling.
Awesome song. That one was for papa Bush.

Yeah, they've been liberal for a long time. Anecdote: I had an uncle that was a Republican and also had every Jimmy Buffet CD. When I mentioned Buffet singing at a Democrat fundraiser, he told me that if he let politics dictate his music collection, he wouldn't have very many CDs. He had enough that he had 100 stolen once and it barely dented his collection.
he told me that if he let politics dictate his music collection, he wouldn't have very many CDs.

Your uncle was absolutely right. Good music is good music, although I question Buffet being part of that equation. :)

Anyway, thanks for bringing up Ministry. I hadn't listened to them in a couple years and you made me bust out the 3 CDs I have of theirs today and some other old stuff I hadn't heard in awhile.

Ministry is playing in LA at The House of Blues all this weekend. Probably their final tour. Wanna go?
I'm stuck doing clean-up work at the old apartment all weekend... have to be fully done by the 8th. If I were closer than 4 hours to LA, I might be able to find time.
I have no idea... I was getting trash out of there today and saw him for the first time this year... he came back later and put up a for rent sign in the front yard.
I'm stuck doing clean-up work at the old apartment all weekend... have to be fully done by the 8th. If I were closer than 4 hours to LA, I might be able to find time.

It's a good idea but the chances of getting a return on your deposit is slim & none and I hear Slim is leaving town.
We managed to get ours back... but we had to argue that there was no way in hell we could get the shower back to showroom condition. Is it really that hard in the states?
We managed to get ours back... but we had to argue that there was no way in hell we could get the shower back to showroom condition. Is it really that hard in the states?

Well when your landlord is about to lose his property due to non-payment of his mortgage obligation,I'd say getting any money back from him is a no go.
I saw him Saturday for the first time in 2008... he put up a "for rent" sign. Maybe some poor schmuck will rent the place, pay a deposit and that's how I'll get mine back.

The law in California is that when you move out, the landlord has three weeks to refund your deposit and provide an itemized list of what was spent out of it... life expectancies of items come into play, too, meaning the landlord can't charge you for new carpeting if the old one is 15 years old when you move out. Similarly, if the shower had only been subjected to normal wear and tear, the landlord can't charge you for it. But you can expect for holes in the wall, broken windows or tears in the vinyl flooring that was brand-new when you moved in to be taken out of the deposit.
We managed to get ours back... but we had to argue that there was no way in hell we could get the shower back to showroom condition. Is it really that hard in the states?

i've never had a problem. but, then, i don't tend to fuck shit up, i clean up real nice, and i even spackle the nail holes in the walls.
That reminds me... I need to stop and get some... either spackle or pure-white toothpaste.