New Year's Eve...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
And where am I? At work...because somebody doesn't like working on a Holiday...even though they got Christmas off. To top it off, he had two of my airman come in, and let two of his go. I've already e-mailed our superiors, but, by the time they get the e-mails, the holidays will be over, and My crew, who happens to be deploying next month, will be left sucking hind tit. I'm not happy, my crew is not happy, and that gimpy bastard who happens to outrank me by two years is about to be very unhappy. That's one good thing about e-mail, rather than paper memos. He can't intercept an e-mail.
I hope you have a night as nice as it can be. Can you at least get half drunk?
Luis G said:
I hope you have a night as nice as it can be. Can you at least get half drunk?

How? I don't get off work until 7:00 tonight. I was planning on going out, but the club is First-Come-First-Served tonight...and this is the only night they have a nice crowd.

The man is a stone-hearted bastard.
It's amateur night anyway. Stop on the way home & get yourself a good bottle then sit where it's warm, safe & comfy while the fools hurt themselves.
Gonz said:
It's amateur night anyway. Stop on the way home & get yourself a good bottle then sit where it's warm, safe & comfy while the fools hurt themselves.

It's my last night to party before my deployment...which the gimpy bastard was also supposed to be on, but pulled a waiver out of his ass...
Is he the most senior NCO for the unit? What rank are the officers you bumped up a memo to?... and do you have a decent relationship with them? What do you expect to happen from a letter of (complaint)? What can he do to you in that last month to make your life hell when he finds out? I take it that there is no love lost twixt you two.
unclehobart said:
Is he the most senior NCO for the unit? What rank are the officers you bumped up a memo to?... and do you have a decent relationship with them? What do you expect to happen from a letter of (complaint)? What can he do to you in that last month to make your life hell when he finds out? I take it that there is no love lost twixt you two.

Nope. He's the same pay grade as me, but he's had his rank 2 years longer. The folks I e-mailed are an E-7 and E-8 respectively, whom I have known for about 6 yearseach, and worked for for about the same amount of time. Both are the main impetus behind the holiday schedule, and I expect some bad things to happen because of this abuse of authority. As for making my life miserable, there's nothing he can do except give me bad details to do, but the higher-ups will be here as well, so there's not much he can do to me until I return from the desert. If all goes well, when I get back I'll be moving to another section anyway. :shrug: The abuser is one operation away from a medical board, so I'm fairly safe.
So what happens if you just leave and when/if someone finds out he would be the one to blame.
Luis G said:
So what happens if you just leave and when/if someone finds out he would be the one to blame.
What's the Air Farce version of Captain's mast? Whatever it's called it ain't good for the Gato.
Luis G said:
So what happens if you just leave and when/if someone finds out he would be the one to blame.

It's called Absent WithOut Leave (AWOL) and Dereliction of Duty...which is the charge I'm hoping to nail that bastard with. He's definitely derelict in his duty for calling me in unnecessarily...
Dereliction of duty, semi-AWOL, disobeying orders... probably a reduction in rank, 30 days in detention... and having his ass posted to a lonely gull rock in Iceland or something.
unclehobart said:
Dereliction of duty, semi-AWOL, disobeying orders... probably a reduction in rank, 30 days in detention... and having his ass posted to a lonely gull rock in Iceland or something.

Depends on how many 'bad-boy' marks he has in his folder. I think he's got a few more than necessary. This might just push him over the edge...
BeardofPants said:
Here's hoping, eh?

Either way, he's only 20 months until he's eligible for retirement. I may be lazy from time to time, but I don't put other people out with my laziness...:grumpy: