New Year's Grub!


New Member
What is traditional New Year's food for you?
For the deep south it's black eyed peas (yuck) and ham and cabbage, which apparently is not what Georgians do to celebrate. I asked Rob what they eat on New Year's in Georgia and he said alka-seltzer :rolleyes:
I am making up a big mess of cabbage with sausage and potatoes tomorrow for dinner and intend on a trip to the neighborhood mexican restaurant to pick up the traditional Texas New Year's fare of Tamales for lunch!!!!! :licklips:
I don't think there's a traditional food for New Year's dinner.
I'm going to be a little different this year --- will fix a pork roast with potatoes and carrots.

And of course there will be a pot of black-eyed peas and a pan of cornbread. :D
OH! I forgot the cornbread. I'll make it and eat it with my cabbage while Rob looks on with a look that is the combination of longing and seething hatred.
I'll take soup & bitch about it, thanks :mope:

My mom did the blackeyed peas/cornbread thing. Loved the cornbread. Tamales, while good any time, are a Christmas thing, not a New Years thing.
tonksy said:
What is traditional New Year's food for you?
For the deep south it's black eyed peas (yuck) and ham and cabbage, which apparently is not what Georgians do to celebrate. I asked Rob what they eat on New Year's in Georgia and he said alka-seltzer :rolleyes:
I am making up a big mess of cabbage with sausage and potatoes tomorrow for dinner and intend on a trip to the neighborhood mexican restaurant to pick up the traditional Texas New Year's fare of Tamales for lunch!!!!! :licklips:

Hoppin' John, collard greens, and some nice, juicy, ham.
Leftover Christmas food.
I just made some Ham-salad from the last of the Spiral ham from the 26th.
Were eating other peoples food up til then. :D

edit: Oh there is one tradition...
We always have Summer sausage, smoked cheese, and crackers. (also hot sweet mustard)
TexasRaceLady said:
And remember, the cornbread has to be sweet! Don't forget the sugar. LOL

What?!? Are you a barbarian?!? Only DAMNED yankees put sugar in their cornbread!
Gato_Solo said:
What?!? Are you a barbarian?!? Only DAMNED yankees put sugar in their cornbread!

What he said. Sugar in cornbread is an abomination.

I despise peas regardless of their eye color, so I substitute baked beans. No real reasoning behind it, I just do. Will have cornbread, the rest depends.
SouthernN'Proud said:
What he said. Sugar in cornbread is an abomination.

I despise peas regardless of their eye color, so I substitute baked beans. No real reasoning behind it, I just do. Will have cornbread, the rest depends.
LOL! The only peas i eat are those itty bitty olive colored early peas. I used to substitute white beans and sausage but I just didn't feel like it this year!
I went out to an Italian restaurant last night. Had mussels in a garlicky red sauce, shrimp scampi, a couple of pieces of buttered bread (unusual for me, but I hadn't eaten all day) and a glass of Chardonnay. Nothing whatsoever traditional about that.
Ham :D

We have a ham but have been invited to my aunt's for dinner so I'm crossing my fingers that she makes a ham...the one we have is itty bitty (my bro is vegetarian and my mom isn't fussy about ham so it's only me who loves it) and I'm taking it back to my place to make for me and my roomie one night :)
I had Soupbeans cook w/hambone, cornbread (regular, no sugar), and cole-slaw.

That was at 7pm, about 3 hrs prior I had a couple of ham-salad sandwiches.
I had to make ham salad from what was left of the Christmas ham, because
my teeth are so gone I couldn't bite it off in a regular ham sandwich. :(

Then at about 11:30pm est I had the cheese, sausage, and crackers...

I'm still farting from the beans :fart: :D
We never really had any traditions as far as New Year's food goes. We went to the diner for breakfast this morning. I'll have leftover spaghetti bolognese for lunch and some of the chocolate chip & walnut cookie bars I baked the other day at some point.

Then tomorrow I'm back on my diet. Boring blah food, cutting the intake of coffee, and starting exercising again.

Joy to the world. :mad:
greenfreak said:
Then tomorrow I'm back on my diet. Boring blah food, cutting the intake of coffee, and starting exercising again.

Joy to the world. :mad:
I feel your pain. I've been to the gym three times in two weeks. :blush: Of course, I have been to Harrisburg, PA and back in that span as well.