New Zealand rocks!

Looks like a nice place. You won't ever see me there, though, as I'd be too afraid I'd lose my pants to some dizzy blonde in Christchurch or summat. :D
tonksy said:
lemmee get this're afraid of losing your pants to a dizzy blonde...huh.

I prefer brunettes, or redheads. Gotta problem with that? *handonhip :D
Gato_Solo said:
I prefer brunettes, or redheads. Gotta problem with that? *handonhip :D
Right! I forgot! And of course I don't have a problem with that!
*tussles her dark brown hair
BeardofPants said:
Okay, seriously, you delighted in the smells of Rotorua??? :eyebrow:
Glad you had a great time here. :)

hehehehe ... strangely enough, yes I did ... remember, I come from an island with an active volcano .. it smelled like home. Weird thing was that we didn't really feel like we were in a foreign country. I mean, the lehua (rehua) was in bloom eveywhere, the fern are the same, and the Maori look like us. :D