Newbie alert!


Hiya everyone!

I'm ClaireBear... heard about this place from a another forum friend... wanted to check things out!

Em... Hi!
Woohoo! A wandering brit! We seem to be few and far between at this place :D

Welcome shitloads and have fun! :roll:
Hi Sam!

You're pretty!

I like the beard! Mmmmm.. bearded men... kissing is always so interesting... the fine line betwenn pain and enjoyment...

Don't expect a photo from me all that soon... I have technical (ie a complete lack of computer knowledge!) difficulties!

But here's an ickle discription...

5ft3, Dark blonde longish hair, hazel eyes and cheeky (sometimes sexy) smile

Bloomin Heck! Quiet in here isn't it?

Always thought off topicers would have so much to say... maybe too much!

This forum was suggested to me by a friend on a gaming forum becasue I just CANT stay on topic... and most of my posts are classed as spam in there anyway... some people just don't appreciate random, off shoot thinkers!


Probably catch you about... you being admin... undoubtedly! (Doh!)
Oz said:
Woohoo! A wandering brit! We seem to be few and far between at this place :D

Hmmmm! A skiving off work don't know about "wondering" Brit!

Ha! Phone surveys! They can wait!

Yes!... I am that woman with the sexy Geordie voice who always calls just as you've slipped into your fave chair with a can of beer to watch your fave film or just got your dinner out of the oven or when you're just having a quick pre work morning sesh with your loved one... making you want to force your hand down the phone line and strangle her!

Welcome shitloads and have fun! :roll:

Thanks Oz... I intend to!

Love the hair... very Tony and Guy.. and your avatar... well... what can I say? Sheer class!

ClaireBear said:
Yes!... I am that woman with the sexy Geordie voice :

Another Geordie! :D

In that case....double welcome hinny! Seeing as yer from the best part of the planet....I'll even be nice and ignore the "Tony and Guy" comment ;) :D

I might even start posting here regularly again now there is at least one other civilised person here :D
Oz said:
Another Geordie! :D

In that case....double welcome hinny! Seeing as yer from the best part of the planet....I'll even be nice and ignore the "Tony and Guy" comment ;) :D

I might even start posting here regularly again now there is at least one other civilised person here :D

You up in Long Benton then?

Slogging it out for BT?

Naughty naughty! You'll get a big brother warning flashed across the display... "Internet access is now being monitored... all bow and lick BT's ass"

Couldn't do that s**t!

Sorry I only glanced at the pic! Thought the highlights made it a trendy cut when in reality *CB surveys the pic more closely* you're a rocker/skater ain't ya?

I was many moons ago! Ahhhh! The Mayfair! Bast*rds... my heart broke that day! :grin:
ClaireBear said:
You up in Long Benton then?

Slogging it out for BT?

Naughty naughty! You'll get a big brother warning flashed across the display... "Internet access is now being monitored... all bow and lick BT's ass"

Couldn't do that s**t!

Sorry I only glanced at the pic! Thought the highlights made it a trendy cut when in reality *CB surveys the pic more closely* you're a rocker/skater ain't ya?

I was many moons ago! Ahhhh! The Mayfair! Bast*rds... my heart broke that day! :grin:

Nah...I'm a durham lad.

I wouldn't work for BT if they paid me a grand a phone manner leaves a lot to be desired anyway ;)

The Mayfair was always a bit poncey for me......a few year ago yer woulda found me propping up the bar at The Broken Doll tho'.......had some fucking great days in there......till they knocked the bastard down o'course :D

anyhow....hope ya enjoy this place.....I ain't around much these days..but the folks here are pretty cool :cool:
What?... What?... What?

You quoted my drivel yet no response?

Hmmmm... strange!

Anyhoo... There has to be more people out there other than a very nice guy who I've probably got it on with many years ago in the local rock club!!!!

I mean whats the chances of that?... first hit on a forum... bump into someone from the same city! Scary!
Oz said:
Nah...I'm a durham lad.

I wouldn't work for BT if they paid me a grand a phone manner leaves a lot to be desired anyway ;)

The Mayfair was always a bit poncey for me......a few year ago yer woulda found me propping up the bar at The Broken Doll tho'.......had some fucking great days in there......till they knocked the bastard down o'course :D

anyhow....hope ya enjoy this place.....I ain't around much these days..but the folks here are pretty cool :cool:

Aha! Thats better...

Sorry saw the BT email... didn't think to double check it was a BT home or work one... just call me jump to conclusion woman or perhaps partially blind!!! :D

I got my degree at Durham!!!

The Angel! Sad excuse for a "rock bar"

"Mayfair" was poncey only went for a couple of months before it went the way of the doll... its typical CB that... your new club gets pulled down within 6 months of you having the confidence to go!

"Broken Doll"... never ventured to be honest so unlikely you and I ever... ahem... well!

Anyhoo... catch you later!
ClaireBear said:
Bloomin Heck! Quiet in here isn't it?

Always thought off topicers would have so much to say... maybe too much!
Be careful what you ask for. :elaugh1:

Most of the off topic stuff happens in Lunatic Lounge. Around here it's pretty rare.

Welcome aboard, you'll never be the same again. :beerbang:
claire you will fit in nicely here. and I am around a bit, just have a harder time posting as much as id like to. :)
Stop Laughing said:
Hey there Clairebear! Go on, we can't hurt you in the Loony Lounge, the walls were just recently re-padded. :D

Really? I hadn't noticed *kicking even more recently removed padding into a dumpster* Looks more like whipped cream to me...*hides empty "Redi-whip" can under his shorts...

Welcome to OTC. Post lots, and please is not only's required. :grinyes:
Gato_Solo said:
Really? I hadn't noticed *kicking even more recently removed padding into a dumpster* Looks more like whipped cream to me...*hides empty "Redi-whip" can under his shorts...

Welcome to OTC. Post lots, and please is not only's required. :grinyes:

Someone mention beer?

Great its 9:10am but... what the Hell!

*CB cracks open a can of Stella and takes a swig*

Sooooo... *wipes mouth on sleave* Whats happening?
ClaireBear said:
Someone mention beer?

Great its 9:10am but... what the Hell!

*CB cracks open a can of Stella and takes a swig*

Sooooo... *wipes mouth on sleave* Whats happening?

No, no,'re supposed to bribe...err...bestow the beers upon us, the senior members (meaning anyone here longer than you)...:grinyes:

BTW...there are a few spelling rules you should know when you post here. Most of us here use American English. So no useless 'U's in words, and it's spelled aluminum, not, I repeat, not aluminium... ;)
Gato_Solo said:
No, no,'re supposed to bribe...err...bestow the beers upon us, the senior members (meaning anyone here longer than you)...:grinyes:

BTW...there are a few spelling rules you should know when you post here. Most of us here use American English. So no useless 'U's in words, and it's spelled aluminum, not, I repeat, not aluminium... ;)

Yeah and I was going to as soon as some body showed up! :rolleyes:


*CB throws a can of Stella over to GS*

You may want to tap the top of that one... and be careful that isn't American bath water... its strong European stuff! :D

Spelling rules? I'm slightly dyslexic... I spell like an American anyway! :p
Gato_Solo said:
BTW...there are a few spelling rules you should know when you post here. Most of us here use American English. So no useless 'U's in words, and it's spelled aluminum, not, I repeat, not aluminium... ;)

Bollocks.......yer on Brit time now Gato......go buy a dictionary, I believe the Oxford Press do a rather nice, not to mention accurate, edition :D