Newest military motorcycles


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
hmm i found this interesting. Remember the rumors that a engine had been designed years ago that could run practically on any type of fuel?
Well guess what has showed up and is being tested by the military.
A new kawasaki 650 fitted witha new engine. Its called the multifuel. runs on gas,diesel, kerosene...
It is being tested by the marines. They say so far they have experienced nothing but good from the engine. Averaging over 200 MPG. WOW think us civies will ever see the likes? NOT
the main cycle they use currently is the KAW 650 fitted with a diesel engine that averages 120 MPG... id even like that.
Anyone remember the experimental Volkswagen Vanagon that two college students converted to run on used fast food grease, and then drove around the country?
people have been running diesels on used cooking oil over here for a while. it was first done during the second world war but got resurrected in west wales last year, conversion of the car is a pretty simple job.
Amazing what govts. scoop up and hide from us for their own damn use. Somebody get Moulder on the line. :)